Rodgers Homepage

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Have a great Thanksgiving Break... See you next week!!!

When we return,

1. Several groups will complete their chapter presentations.

2. Quite a few Bards and Knights, and Sages will perform poetry, songs, comedy, boasts, or give a lecture about a remarkable event of the Middle Ages.

3. Everyone must complete their second class (KSBA) assignment - due Tuesday.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Week of 112414

Due Date - Detail
112514 -
1. Complete Class (KBSA) job - example - Bard to complete Comedy or Poetry presentation

  • be prepared to present in class
2. Finish large book jacket with flaps (this was from last week) - most students turned this in already.

3. In class we will continue working on our group chapter presentations

Thursday, November 20, 2014

HW update - just checking in...

Due Friday: Bring everything to class, completed or unfinished

1. Book Jacket -
final draft complete - basic 8 - 1/2 x 11 elements See the original directions here
Extra book flap elements complete final due next Tuesday.

2. First Medieval - Job sketch with resources - Medieval classes - all materials needed to complete the final draft.

In class ONLY we will continue to work on our SS7 chapter presentations by Medieval Job

3. Also, bring your 2 EQ paragraphs from chapter 2 that were supposed to be finished earlier this week.

4. Field Trip form. Please ask your parents to drive before returning the form.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

As the trimester is coming to a close... grades are being posted...

I recently updated all old missing assignments in Power School from Missing to a grade a zero. This undoubtedly lowered some students grades who did not turn in work. Currently all late work and no-name work has been identified and processed.

If you have work that is marked as zero, or missing, or the combination of zero-missing, then you need to
1. print out any assignments that are in gdoc format
2. print out a grade sheet for SS8 - you must do this at this point.
3. Attach all assignments in question to the grade sheet
4. highlight the assignments on the grade sheet
5. write the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc next to each assignment in question on the grade sheet
6. lastly, number each piece of paper that is attached with the same number from the grade sheet.
7. turn it in ASAP.
8. I will update any turned in missing or late assignments this weekend.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

HW update

1. Tonight - finish your book jacket draft - OR - start working on your final draft due Friday.

Also, if you did not finish your written EQ in class -
2. WRITE answers to your two best EQ questions

Lastly, If done with much of the above - read your jobs chapter in the SS7 text
Preview the link here or -
Chapter - Job
3 - Sage
4 - Bard
5 - Knight
6 - Artisan

Monday, November 17, 2014

Week of 111714

Due - Detail
Book Jacket -

  • by Wednesday sketch and write all text for the entire 8-1/2x11 portion of the book jacket.
  • Students that opt for the book flap extended assignment, will complete the text for the flap by 11/20/14, Thursday
  • follow the guidelines here
Medieval Project - 
  • create a gdoc called MediResearch111914Last - place it in a new folder (Medieval) in your SS7 folder.
  • Do research and copy links and sample text or graphics for your first level assignments for
    • Bard - Jokes or a poem about medieval life; sample medieval poets - see handout
    • Knight - graphic ideas for a Crest or sample text for a boast
    • Sage - calligraphy designs and medieval quotes
    • Artisan - choose two from Map, Castle, Portrait
      • go online and find sample ideas for your first choice
  • the first assignment is due Friday - ready for performance, or to be turned in.
We will work on both of these assignments in class this week.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Book Jacket - Due 11/21

22:00 Exc

This weekend, think about parts that you want to include in your book jacket.

Some students may sketch out designs and think about the text elements they want to include in their book jackets

Your book jacket must include:

Front - 
An original student designed cover picture that covers the entire cover
A large title (of the book)
The author at the bottom of the page

The binding - the title of the book and a trademark of the publisher. The last name of the author.

The back 
a border art design
two different blocks of text - see the list below for choices

Some students will complete the extended book flaps (an additional, optional 10 point assignment):
two other blocks of text - see list below

Text or additional graphic ideas to include on the book jacket - all text must be student written:
  • About the author - required
  • a summary hook without plot spoilers - required
  • two reviews of 2 - 3 sentences each
  • an overview of other volumes in the series
  • a list of characters or items that are found in the book with motives or descriptions of each in 2 - 3 sentences
  • a fictitious start or a letter or diary entry of a character in the book
  • a map of the setting (assuming that no map is supplied in the book)
  • other ideas - with approval of Mr. R

Best EQ - in class activity

Pick your best, and potentially your second best questions and fill in this survey

Class Schedule for the week of Nov 17 - 21. Print this for next week.

Homeroom: go to the first scheduled period for that day

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

HW due Friday - Ch2 EQ questions

1. SS7 Text Chapter 2 -
2. be prepared to answer questions about the entire reading at the beginning of class - 
(pop quiz??...)

WRITE on notebook paper - EQ Questions
1. review the structure of an EQ question HERE

2. Write an EQ type question for three sections of the reading - assigned sections explained below
3. For each question, make a list of three different details that can be used as examples or explanations in a final answer.
4. Do not write your list in paragraph form.

Assigned sections are here listed by initials HERE. 

When you see a 135 by your name, that means that you were assigned to write EQ questions for Chapter 2, section 2.1, 2.3, and 2.5

Monday, November 10, 2014

HW due Wednesday

Study for the vocabulary quiz in class when we return. See last week's assignment blog entry for details.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week of 11/3/14

Due - Detail

11/4/14 -
Edit your essay for spelling, punctuation, grammar
Respond to comments made in class by your classmates about

  • best explanation in body (is your best explanation in your body the first explanation?) and 
  • conclusion (how powerful is your conclusion - is it rephrased when making the same point from the body or the introduction?).

Print the essay - double spaced.