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Monday, January 13, 2014

Activities for Week of January 13 - 17.

Here are a list of Station activities that we will start in class on Monday and Tuesday, and finish as homework by Friday, one assignment will be due at the beginning of each day as follows:

Due - Details
0114 - Your first activity started in class on 0113
0115 (0116 for split core) - Your second and third activity started in class on 0113 or 0114
0116 (by end of class) - Your fourth and fifth activity started in class on 0115 or 0116
0117 - Study for Spelling/Vocabulary Test. Finish all station work and other class activities assigned this week.

(If you attended the Fine Arts field trip on Tuesday, you must complete any class work missed in class (station number 2) and turn in on the Block Day.)

Each Station Activity (1-5) is listed below.
You will have between 20 - 30 minutes for each activity in class.
You will work with the same group of students all week at each station.
Do not work ahead on any station activity (except spelling)
You must complete the remaining part of each activity that night for homework.

1. Activities for You Won't Finish this Article
a. Read the article You Won't Finish This Article
b. Answer the question on this Google Survey - Won't Finish - you must be signed into your school gmail account to take the survey.

2. Spelling Unit 1 (McMullen - Grammar)
a. Complete the Unit 1 packet. Work with your group on any confusion and difficult questions to help understand the correct answer.
b. Study for the Spelling/Vocabulary Test on Friday
c. The packet will be graded on Thursday, 011614
d. Vocabulary/Spelling Test on 011714

3. SS7 Chapter 7 Activities
a. Read Chapter 7

b. Take notes in list form of all items and their page numbers that must appear on the map as you read.

4. SS7 Chapter 7 Activity (stay at the same table for station 3 and 4)
a. Create a physical map of the Arabian Peninsula
b. Use this target map provided in class or from the link here.

Map requirements:
1. Incorporate all physical features of the Arabian peninsula found in each section of Chapter 7 into your map.
2. Label each type of feature, using a variety of colored inks - red, black, green.
3. Create a key for different types of landform symbols or colors (use colored pencil to fill spaces).  More information in class before you start this map.
4. Modern political boundaries and national labels
Rubric - 20 total points: 5 - Space and proportions; 5 - Color and solid line; 5 - clear and complete text; 5 - all requirements met well and overall quality.

5. Journal Activity (McMullen - Papa's Waltz Activity)
a. Write a 200 word minimum journal about the following prompt:
b. prompt - Have you ever had an experience of extreme weather or climate that you had to respond to. Were you too cold or hot, needed a better set of clothes, or needed food and/or water.
c. Share the complete text with your group of two journals (the tallest boy and the tallest girl in your group); Everyone else shares their best paragraph with the group.

The following activities are individual assignments that will follow a full class activity:
... Level 3 performances

6. Thesis Statement Activity
a. After I-Search topics have been selected and resolved (no one may have the same topic or position on the issue)...
b. Write a thesis statement that clearly takes a position on the issue.

7. Isearch Research - Library or computers
a. Find one book in the library about your topic. Check it out.
b. Write down its bibliographic information.
c. Take three notes based on the note taking format - here

8. I-search lists (survey)
a. make a list for each of the following ideas loosely related to your Isearch topic. There is no right or wrong, but it is important that each list have ten items, some items better than other, and some items complete nonsense.
b. Ideas for each list:
i. Why I like my topic
ii. What I think I know about my topic in my own mind already (regardless of it being correct)
iii. What my topic is related to
iv. Reasons I believe in one side of the issue more than the other side of the issue
v. Key arguments I can make to prove my assigned position is the best argument, regardless of what I believe

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