Rodgers Homepage

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Work due this week and next... including IS 13 paragraph format and skeletal link format

Due - Detail
0123 - Read SS Ch 9 - write 3EQ and define 8 terms from reading
0123 - Field Trip form. Parents that drive must sign the bottom as well.
0123 - LitGroup #2 due.
0124 - IS Skeletal Outline DRAFT
0124 - Express yourself worksheet both sides - 3 - 37, 40
0128 - StarGirl - 14 random acts completed record.
0129 - Mosque Field Trip - during periods 3, 4, Adv, 5. All other classes will be attended and normal work conducted.
0130 - 30 IS notes. Use the skeletal outline to find needed information to help complete a full outline.

Here is the 13 paragraph framework to be used to create your skeletal outline from.

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