Rodgers Homepage

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Work due dates shifted - different for each core.

Due to the field trip, the due dates for each core are listed below (core 2 in bold):

Detail - Core 1 due dates - Core 2 due date

IS 30 notes - 1/31 - 1/31
IS - Typed Outline (printed and saved in google docs) - 0201 - 0201
Rough draft bibliography - 2/1 - 2/1

Differences between the two classes:

SG postcards - 1/29 - 1/30
Express yourself - 1/31 - 2/1
Lit Group #3 - 2/1 (due beginning of class) - 2/1 (due after 20 minutes of work time)

Here is the 13 paragraph framework to be used to create your skeletal outline from.

In class notes - IS and Islam (2)

Isearch Suggestions on how to find more information.

Islam - Shari'ah and Jihad notes

Islamic sacred texts - Qur'an, Sunnah, Hadith

Monday, January 28, 2013

LASS7 work this week...

Here is the work this week.

Due - Detail
0128 - Stargirl Random Acts of Kindness - in class activity (see below)
0128 - Computer Cart in class - 30 minutes minimum
0129 - Stargirl Postcards for second half of the book
0129 - Islamic Speaker and Mill Valley Islamic Center Field trip (2 questions each required)
0130 - Express yourself (activity in class - assignment already checked off as complete)
0130 - 30 Isearch Notes
0201 - Lit Group Week 3
0201 - Typed Outline complete (printed for class, saved in google docs IS folder)

0128 - Stargirl Random Acts of Kindness Pre-write activity:
Answer the following questions, type them in a google doc. Save them in a new folder called "Kindness Essay" within your LA7 folder.

By answer these questions, you should give details about three events total from your list. You may discuss a different event for each question. For each event, explain the sequence of events, where, when and why you did each activity.

1. Which activity was the easiest to do?
2. Which activity was the most difficult to do?
3. Explain what you learned about yourself by doing these events.

0129 - Speaker and Center Questions:
Each student must write two questions for the Islamic speaker, and two questions for the presenter at the Islamic Center. Be prepared to ask your questions tomorrow.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

We still need drivers for Jan.29 Field trip

We are still in need of four drivers, for 14 students, to drive on Tuesday for our field trip. If you have not asked your parents, or as a parent, have not emailed to confirm your ability to drive, and be part of the field trip from 11:40 - 2:10, then  please email me here if you can drive.

Thank you,

Eliott Rodgers

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Work due this week and next... including IS 13 paragraph format and skeletal link format

Due - Detail
0123 - Read SS Ch 9 - write 3EQ and define 8 terms from reading
0123 - Field Trip form. Parents that drive must sign the bottom as well.
0123 - LitGroup #2 due.
0124 - IS Skeletal Outline DRAFT
0124 - Express yourself worksheet both sides - 3 - 37, 40
0128 - StarGirl - 14 random acts completed record.
0129 - Mosque Field Trip - during periods 3, 4, Adv, 5. All other classes will be attended and normal work conducted.
0130 - 30 IS notes. Use the skeletal outline to find needed information to help complete a full outline.

Here is the 13 paragraph framework to be used to create your skeletal outline from.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Field Trip form... Parent drivers needed

Next Tuesday, on January 29, the entire seventh grade class will have a special program from 10:30 - 2 pm.

Parents must sign and return the permission slip for our field trip to the Mill Valley Mosque. This very informative trip gives students a real life example related to our study of Islamic Civilization and specifically the religion of Islam.

We need parent drivers to volunteer for this free field trip. If you can drive, you are also invited to hear a presentation on Islam by an exceptional presenter from a local Islamic outreach organization, scheduled for 10:30 am. After the presentation, students will each lunch at the tables on the black top before the regularly scheduled lunch. As a grade level, we will leave after eating around 12 pm. Parents who wish to just drive, should come to Hall and meet Mr. Rodgers on the blacktop by 11:45. Students will already be assigned to each driver.

This is a very popular event with parents, but it is important that I confirm drivers by Thursday, January 24. If you can drive, please fill out the permission slip that your son or daughter has, that they received last week.

It would be great if you can attend.

- Mr. Rodgers

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Problems taking IS note taking and suggestions

Get notes from both Core 1 and Core 2 suggestion

Work Due on Friday and next Wednesday...

In class today we discussed student progress towards 20 Isearch notes and finishing StarGirl this week by Friday.

In Core One, 12 of 20 students felt that it would be no problem for them to finish. Two students felt that it would be impossible to finish by Friday. As I did last week, I recorded where students were with each assignment, IS number of notes and SG chapter completed. From this is seems that seven students may have a difficult time completing their notes by Friday.

Just like last week, I am giving one extra point for each assignment for those students that will be finished and have 20 notes and all SG chapter notes completed at the beginning of class on Friday. Students that do not have both will not receive any extra points, but will not be penalized if they show me their work next Wednesday (I will be with Mr. Utic and Supt. Pitts on Tuesday).

Several students chose a strategy of finishing reading the 50 pages in StarGirl and completing chapter notes on Monday and Tuesday night, and then working on Isearch notes Wednesday and Thursday night.

We then discussed some issues that students were having taking IS notes and doing research in general. Students offered suggestions on some of these problems. Below is a list of issues and suggestions that students generated in each class.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Work this week - updated

Due - Details (updated 1/16/13)

For SG and IS activities - divide the work up over the entire week (just like last week) and do at least 20 - 30 minutes EACH night this week.

0115 - Literature Groups #1 - Work due
0117 - Ch 8 EQ Quiz (answer 3 questions) - see other post with questions
0117 - IS outline worksheet side one complete - will be completed in class.
0118 - StarGirl Completed - all notes complete
0118 - IS 20 total notes complete and in Google and TYPED printout when you walk into class

0123 - Ch9 - read, write 3 EQ AND 8 terms and definitions
0124 - IS outline due in skeletal format for entire essay.

0128 - Stargirl Random Act of Kindness activity - perform one each day. You many not record more than two of the same event

Ch 8 EQ quiz Thursday - questions and sections to review:

You should study tonight and answer three questions from the list below for Wednesday's EQ quiz. Your answers should be in paragraph form.

Study the section in the Chapter 8 for each question. It is suggested that you write a practice answer for each question tonight.

1.    What was Arabia like during Muhammad’s life? 8.2
2.    Why did the Makkans fear and reject Muhammad’s teachings? 8.5
3.    Who were the four caliphs and what did each accomplish during their reign? 8.7
4.    Explain how a specific early life experience led to a useful personality trait or belief in Muhammad’s adult life. 8.3 and 8.4.

Don't forget to continue doing IS research and collect more notes from your sources.

Initially, this EQ quiz was scheduled for Wednesday, but this blog site had an outage due to a java or php error that did not allow the content of the site to load. This post was originally made on Tuesday.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Two more handouts from this week

Lit Group Directions

Ch 7 SS notes

Work Due on Friday

1. Question about Ten Notes for IS versus 25 SG chapter notes - I will give 1 XC point (subject of choice) if students are done with both on Friday at the beginning of class. AND... One of these two assignments are due on Friday, and the other on Monday when you walk into class. Notes must be brought to class AND in the correct format (see here).

2. Spelling Contract 9 and Spelling Test 9 - Friday.

3. Bring one IS research book on Friday (or have at least three magazine or newspaper articles as sources in your notes.)

4. An in class journal prompt will be given for the two groups that have journal work in Lit Group this week, with time to finish the journal in class on Friday.

5. All Lit Group work will be collected after each group shares out.

Thursday activities 011013

I am out to go to visit a doctor about my never ending cough. Mrs. Solomon is my substitute and we will have computers for Isearch research - you need a minimum of 10 notes in the correct format by Friday. We also will read Stargirl tomorrow in class for about 15 minutes. Both of these assignments will help all students either get ahead of complete notes through Chapter 25 in Stargirl by Friday.

So, bring Stargirl and your notes to class tomorrow. Also, bring your IS library book to take notes on that book for IS. 

I will be back on Friday.

Look to the next post for details for the class and homework due on Friday.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ch 8 EQ - match the section for each question

Here is the EQ homework for tonight. I will award 2 XC points if this makes it to class.

I know this is uploaded late (8 pm), thus the XC, optional only requirement. In order to get the XC follow these directions:

If you are in first core, use the core one questions only. Delete the core two questions. Type the section where each answer can be found for each question.
Print out the sheet. Bring it to class.

If you are in second core, use the core two questions only. Delete the core one questions. Type the section where each answer can be found for each question.
Print out the sheet. Bring it to class.

Also, don't forget:
1/2 hour IS research - the goal is ten notes using the note format by Friday.
20 - 30 minutes. Read SG through Chapter 25 by Thursday - take notes on each chapter.

Monday, January 7, 2013

8 by 2 note table for Stargirl chapters

Get the note table here.

Work Schedule for 0107 - 0111

Due - Details
0108 - Read SS Ch 8 and write 3 EQ with answers in list form with at least three points each answer
0110 - SpC9
0110 - One book on your IS topic from the library brought to class.
0111 - SpT9

All week each night - to check your progress for the following activities on following dates:

0110 -  Chapter 25. Read Stargirl novel that was checked out to you. Will check for notes on each chapter. Get new note card sheet here

0111 - 10 notes for Isearch research using Note format found in the IS Resources folder here