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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Writing 3 EQ Questions for Ch 24 - Due Wednesday

Here is the guide for writing good EQ questions and summary answers. We will work as a class to formulate the best answers for the best three EQ questions.

Essential Questions (EQ)

Write three EQ for Chapter 24 as follows:

Each EQ must cover a different sections of the reading.
EQ questions should start with Why, How or Explain and focus on cause and effect, a sequence of events or a progression of ideas related to one section.
No EQ should ask simple Who, What, Where type questions, although this factual information should be incorporated into a more complex question and used in a thorough answer.

Rough Draft Answers:
Four point list minimum including:
Page number(s) where information was found
Explain the main concept OR big idea that answers the question and how it relates to the chapter
Three pieces of evidence, examples or details that support the explanation.

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