Rodgers Homepage

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Current Event Homework tonight

Due Wednesday: Ask a parent if they are familiar with your assigned proposition from the state ballot. Write down the first three things your parent says about the issue (you can tell them the basic idea of the proposition).  Your parents' answers will serve as an informal survey of what adults in Marin think about each proposition.

Due next Monday, 110512:
Read the California Official Voter Information Guide for your proposition. 

Find an article related to your proposition using Google News. Type the name of your proposition in Google search, hit the news search button. Make sure that you are reading an article about the current California Proposition for November, 2012, that discusses your issue. Follow the guidelines on the Current Event Summary Sheet here.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Night's HW - due Tuesday

Monday Night's Homework, due Tuesday:
1. Read the Roman Chapter passed out in class today. Highlight (or underline) the key terms only. A pop quiz was mentioned in class today about your chapter.

2. Find three websites that have information about a topic found in your chapter.
a. Write down the basic url and the name of the website.
b. Take two notes in list form from the website.
c. One reference may include Wikipedia.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Work this coming week, October 23 - 26.

During this past Friday, October 19, while I graded the 7th grade writing assessments with Mrs. Ferguson and Ms. Wolfe, a substitute teacher did the following:
1. Started class with the journal prompt, allowing students to complete the journal, then had some students volunteer to share. Then it was collected. If you didn't finish, then turn it in on Tuesday.
2. Gave the class work time to work on any work that was not collected this past week. It is all due on Tuesday:
a. Article Summary
b. Completed Map
3. And up to 10 total points of extra credit options that were explained in class that are also both due on Tuesday (extra credit work cannot be turned in "late:"
a. Two postcard size (5.5 x 4.25) pieces of artwork in the style of Diego Rivera from samples on the class wall or the Internet. 1. Earth tones, 2. Wide images, 3. Villages and workers doing their daily chores. 4. Original images - not a copy of a Diego Rivera piece. 5. Up to two postcards - each worth a total of five points maximum.
b. a placard regarding an event from Mexican history - modern, colonial or MesoAmerican. Directions were in the classroom: 1. 8.5 x 11 vertical orientation, 2. Title (larger - at top), date(s), 3. 15 - 25 word blurb that briefly describes the key details of the event or person's contribution to history, 4. Fill the space, do not color background, zoom in on images, 5. Borders, 6. Inked and colored images, 7. 10 points maximum.
c. Only ten points maximum can be attempted or earned.
4. Spelling Contract - Unit 4. The test will be Thursday.
5. Finished film. Notes will be collected on Tuesday as complete.

On Tuesday we will finish the MesoAmerican Unit with -
a. more shared scavenger hunt note taking about the maps and the articles - - 10 points possible.
b. Each group will present their article briefly to the class.
c. Each student will then write three paragraphs about the class activities this week and some of the connections made with other maps and articles after a wrap up and summary activity - 10 points possible.

Then all work will be collected. In addition the following will be collected and assigned grades:
1. Other notes related to Social Studies so far this year - 10 points possible.
2. The map practice drawings - 10 points possible.

Homework this week -
1. Tuesday - Type a draft of your writing assessment. bring in a typed double spaced draft to class on Wednesday. We will edit and revise this draft in class using our writing Rubric.

We will start our first in class novel, Stargirl, this week.
We will also start our Roman Unit this week.

See you Tuesday.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Monday, October 15, 2012

Work this week

Due - Detail
1016 - 6 panel story outline from six dream cards - use six panel handout
1016 - Meso-American Timeline
1017 - Book Jacket - rough draft
1018 - SS Activity by-products (2 required) and presentation notes
1018 - Journal - "There is always something else"
1019 - Substitute - all LA7 teachers will be grading last weeks Writing Assessment
1022 - NO SCHOOL - teacher in-service day

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Friday, October 12, 2012

Progress Reports.

The school sent out a notice to parents of any students that received a grade of a C minus or below in any one class. I your son or daughter did not receive a progress report, then they are earning at least a C in all of their classes. Regardless of this, it is important that students and parents are aware of student progress in each of their classes.

If you have any questions about student performance, please send me an email at

I have graded some work collected in the past week and held those grades until progress reports are reviewed by parents this weekend. On Monday, I will post these held grades.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Updated due dates

We will have some work time, maybe a half hour on Monday in order to work on the Meso-american Timeline and the six panel dream card story outline that we started the beginning of this past week. Several students have already completed one of these two assignments, and the timeline was originally to be due this past Friday, October 12. Both assignments will be due Tuesday, the beginning of class.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Ch 24 EQ was updated with better directions

See the link here

Jury Duty is over...

I'll be back tomorrow for good. Don't forget there is the EQ quiz on Thursday - study and practice. Writing assessment is going on Wednesday and Thursday in class. Lastly, don't forget the walkathon is Friday. I may flip all work due originally on  Friday to Monday since Friday is such a shortened core.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Monday, October 8, 2012

Waiting to see Obama tonight in SF

Homework Board this week starting 100812

Due - Detail
1009 - Journal in class - Winning/Losing
1011 - EQ 24 Quiz - see study guide on previous blog post
1011 - 1015 - Writing assessment
1012 - 6 dream card 6 panel story outline - handout on music stand or here
1012 - 8-1/2 x 11 illustrated timeline for Olm, May, Azt - 9 events total, 10 - 15 words per event, one larger picture from each culture, motifs to fill space, ink, color, title. Paper in class.
1016 - Story Elements activity.
1016 - MesoAmerica Group Test activity

Sub Plans for 10/9/12 and maybe 10/10/12

I have jury duty on 10/9 and maybe on 10/10. I will definitely be here on 10/11 when we have the Ch 24 EQ quiz (see other post with study guide).

Sub plans for 10/9 are here.

Homework this week:
Study for the EQ 24 Quiz on Thursday.
Finish weekly worked assigned - see following post on this blog.

Study Guide updated on Tuesday at 5:30 for Ch 24 Aztec EQ Quiz on Thursday

Get the update here.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Notice to students who have not turned in or completed the painted world map assignment...

I hate to say it, but given the time that we have had in class to complete the world map, there are maybe three students that must finish the world map tomorrow in order for it to be graded on time before progress reports go out. If the assignment is not complete, then it will be considered incomplete until it is turned in after progress reports are due.

It is imperative that these students speak with me in class on Monday and set up to complete the map.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mr. Rodgers will be at school on Friday - all work is due...

I will see you all tomorrow. I hope you used your time wisely during the personal work time portion of class. Make sure that the following pieces of work are complete by tonight and ready to be turned in Friday at the beginning of class:

1. Final social pyramid assignment, including last week's rough draft.
2. This week's journal.
3. 3 EQ questions and a four point min answer per each question for Ch 24.
4. Timeline notes for Olmec, Mayan, and Aztec Civilizations - three event minimum per civ each (3x3=9 minimum). Olmec dates from the blue SS text in class and additional events found on the Internet.
5. Map in class only - labelled. I will give more time in class for this.
6. Mayan movie notes - that they are up-to-date as far as the movie has been shown so far. I will check how well you are doing here.

See you tomorrow.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Please send the end time for the DVD

Could a student from each core send me the end time of the DVD for today?

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sub Plans for Thursday, Oct. 4

Here are the sub plans:

1. No work of any kind will be collected. Keep work in a safe place in your binder to turn in when Mr. Rodgers returns.
2. Be helpful with the substitute, informing them of basic class procedures.
3. Help the substitute with the DVD, stereo and projector so they can show the film effective.
4. Make sure the substitute reports the stop time on the film and that you write it down.

Start of Class:
1. Take Roll in my Roll Binder on the cart. Mark students absent or tardy. 

A. Journal activity - 
1. read the prompt to the students, then let them write for about 15 minutes.
2. Call on 4 - 5 students to share or summarize their journals.
3. Some students have finished the journal earlier this week. Allow them to work on other assignments until sharing time.

Journal Prompt - pick something important about your life and answer the following prompt: From this point in time, what comes next, or what came before. Make a prediction about more than one important thing in your life now that may happen in the future. 

B. Work time in class - Allow students to manage their time by working quietly. Generally, students should work in their assigned seats.

1. Allow students to work on individual assignments that are due this week:

a. get and label their World Map. Students may ask for help from other students or may look at how maps from last year were completed on the front wall. (Label the map with Sharpie Pen. Ask a good helper in class if you are not sure what must be labeled. Use last years maps as samples for labeling ideas.)

b. finish the Final Draft Social Pyramid: (vertical 8-1/2 by 14 inch paper for the final product – inked, colored, fill the page, each layer labeled, title, name in lower right corner. Pictures of different people at each level with specific tools or items and clothes.)

c. Timeline notes:
1. make a text list of 9 events minimum about Olmec, Mayan, and Aztec Civilizations
2. Each list should have a minimum of three events per civilization minimum.
3. each event should have a year or date and one sentence of details (about 10 - 15 words).

d. finish the Journal (above)

e. finish the EQ for Chapter 24. Some people will be done.

f. Directions: (BTW - these were posted on Tuesday, Oct 2 on this Blog

Each EQ must cover a different sections of the reading.
EQ questions should start with Why, How or Explain and focus on cause and effect, a sequence of events or a progression of ideas related to one section.
No EQ should ask simple Who, What, Where type questions, although this factual information should be incorporated into a more complex question and used in a thorough answer.

Rough Draft Answers:
Four point list minimum including:
Page number(s) where information was found
Explain the main concept OR big idea that answers the question and how it relates to the chapter
Three pieces of evidence, examples or details that support the explanation.

C. Extension - start in class only -  for students that can show all work is done above:

1. Give a copy of the six square chart on the gray cart.
2. Pick six dream cards and arrange them in the best way to tell a complete story.
3. On the six square chart, draw a simple pencil picture in each box of each card in order - fill about 1/4 of each square. 
4. In the rest of the box write about 2 - 3 sentences that give a good overview of your story in each box. 
5. Try to relate the cards to each other throughout your story's plot - conflict, climax, resolution while showing protagonist and antagonist.

D. Show the film in DVD disc 2 - Breaking the Maya Code

3a. Film Starting points for each 

Core 1 - 20:44 (ask students to verify - they will write it down each time - report time to them at end)
Core 2 - 28:24 (use the chapter selection menu to get to chapter 3 or 4 then REW or FF to the right point)
3b. If you need some students help with the DVD, ask.

4. This is a listening activity.

5. You should follow the note table a long with the film and pause the film from time to time to allow students to write down important information, paraphrase if necessary.
6. Make sure that you report the stop time to students FOR EACH CORE.

Mr. Rodgers has Jury duty on Thursday, Oct. 04

I hope to see you Friday, Oct. 5.

I will post the Sub Plan this evening. It will consist of completing all work assigned this week AND watch the movie and take movie notes.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

No Jury Duty on Wednesday - See you tomorrow morning

My number has not come up again. I'll see you tomorrow.

- Mr. Rodgers

Assignments Week Seven

Barring Jury Duty, here is the schedule for assignments this week. If I am not here for Jury Duty on any particular day, then the work due that day is also due the next day I return. Please check this website each day to see if I have Jury Duty the next day (I usually find out after 4:30 the day before):

Due - Details

1001 - 1002 - Historiography and Olmec Notes (in class)
1002 - Finish Reading Ch 24 Aztecs
1003 - 3 EQ for Ch 24 (see separate blog)
1004 - 9 event timeline notes (3 events min per each MesoAmerican Civilization - Olmec, Maya, Aztec)

1004 - Journal (started in class): From this point in time, what comes next, or what came before (pick an important part of your life and make a prediction about the future of this area of your life, for example.

1005 - World Map finished (in class only)
1005 - Social Pyramid final product

Writing 3 EQ Questions for Ch 24 - Due Wednesday

Here is the guide for writing good EQ questions and summary answers. We will work as a class to formulate the best answers for the best three EQ questions.

Essential Questions (EQ)

Write three EQ for Chapter 24 as follows:

Each EQ must cover a different sections of the reading.
EQ questions should start with Why, How or Explain and focus on cause and effect, a sequence of events or a progression of ideas related to one section.
No EQ should ask simple Who, What, Where type questions, although this factual information should be incorporated into a more complex question and used in a thorough answer.

Rough Draft Answers:
Four point list minimum including:
Page number(s) where information was found
Explain the main concept OR big idea that answers the question and how it relates to the chapter
Three pieces of evidence, examples or details that support the explanation.

Monday, October 1, 2012