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Sunday, May 20, 2012

This past week (May 18) through the end of the year

What we worked on this past week, ending May 18, 2012:
1. LASS Portfolios - Continuing our work over the course of the year, we worked on completing our LASS7 portfolios for Open House over two separate classes.

2. Group Presentation - Groups continued to put together a group slide show and presentation for the assigned group topics, which included The Plague, The Crusades, Medieval Religion, The Vikings, The Revival of Islamic Power, The Russians and Mongols, The 100 Years War.

3. Class Debate Research - Each student was assigned a debate topic, all drawn from our Isearch Projects that we completed earlier this year. Students were assigned a topic, but not a position (pro/con), requiring each student to be familiar with both sides of the topic so they can build arguments and respond to the arguments of the opposing sides.

The end of the year, will involve
1. Medieval Presentations
2. Debates
3. Completion of our writing portfolios
4. Wrapping up three areas of the Rennaissance and early Modern Europe - a. The Reformation, b. The rise of the Nation State (contrasting Absolutist France and Constitutional England) c. Key Accomplishments of Early Modern Europe

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