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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ask your parents about our class laws: take notes...

Due Friday:

Take the laws that we came up with –
1.      Explain how we came up with this list
2.      Interview your parents about the advantages and disadvantages of each law
3.      Bullet points per each law – at least two pro and con
We will relate to the Reformation in Europe

Core One Notes

Core 1:

Four Laws that you would make everyone in Marin follow from our list above:
1.      All people must be physically fit – exercise, healthy diet, weight
2.      All food must be a product of local farms and factories
3.      All people must participate in sporting activities – submit an annual record of personal activity
All citizens of Marin must complete 17 years of full time education

Core Two Notes

Core 2:
Laws to discuss… People should be…
A.     Educated with 17 years of school by age…
B.     Physically fit, healthy, and exercise so many times a week
C.     Environmentally friendly – recycle, conserve, alternative energies

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Study for Medieval Survey Test

Study the Chapters 2,3 or 4 that you read
Study Chapters 5, 11
Study all notes from the text and class
Study all class presentation notes from students slides shows
Review the student slideshows here

Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 25 - Cultural Food potluck

We will have a cultural festival, highlighting a shared dish on Friday, May 25. Students will be assigned a food of choice on Monday, May 21. The dish could be made at home or purchased, as long as it:
1. demonstrates a highlighted and distinctive dish from a culture that the student identifies with through his/her ancestry.
2. Since most students have multiple heritages, students may choose which heritage they choose to highlight
3. The dish should feed at least 15 people and should be appetizer size.
4. It is encouraged to avoid overly sweet items, or very basic snack foods like chips or packaged candies.
5. Forks, cups and plates will be provided.
6. Service utensils should be supplied by the student.

7. A printed, one page typed description of the food should include:
a. 1 paragraph - A description of the culture and how the student is related to that culture
b. 2nd paragraph - A list of ingredients, written in list form and (optional):a basic recipe on how it is made
c. 3rd paragraph - where this food is typically eaten in the home culture, in the native country, and
d. 4th paragraph - how far the food has been incorporated into American Culture and where it is sold. It does not have to be a food that has been incorporated into American Culture, however.

Send individual questions and concerns to

This past week (May 18) through the end of the year

What we worked on this past week, ending May 18, 2012:
1. LASS Portfolios - Continuing our work over the course of the year, we worked on completing our LASS7 portfolios for Open House over two separate classes.

2. Group Presentation - Groups continued to put together a group slide show and presentation for the assigned group topics, which included The Plague, The Crusades, Medieval Religion, The Vikings, The Revival of Islamic Power, The Russians and Mongols, The 100 Years War.

3. Class Debate Research - Each student was assigned a debate topic, all drawn from our Isearch Projects that we completed earlier this year. Students were assigned a topic, but not a position (pro/con), requiring each student to be familiar with both sides of the topic so they can build arguments and respond to the arguments of the opposing sides.

The end of the year, will involve
1. Medieval Presentations
2. Debates
3. Completion of our writing portfolios
4. Wrapping up three areas of the Rennaissance and early Modern Europe - a. The Reformation, b. The rise of the Nation State (contrasting Absolutist France and Constitutional England) c. Key Accomplishments of Early Modern Europe

Friday, May 11, 2012

Medieval Topic Group Assignment

Group Grade:
Group Slide show - two people edit and prepare final show after group contributes text and pictures
- 10 slides minimum, plus a title and credit slide
Each Slide: 1 picture, 20 - 40 words, title of slide
Slide requirements - each in a separate slide:
1. 2 maps
2. 2 famous people
3. 3. events
4. 2 trends, contributions, outcomes
5. Why this topic is important to Medieval Europe, Renaissance or Modern Europe today.
Complete the slide show in Google Docs - Presentation Document - Share with group and

Group Presentation - 2 people (different from slide show)
1. Outline notes for presentation
2. Should not read the slideshow verbatim

Individual Notes on additional research of the areas of the slide show that you must write about.
Individual Map - assigned next week

Work This week and next

Due - Detail
0511 - Ch 11 - timeline style notes on 10 different events with dates
0511 - Ch 28 - plus p. 312 - 313: 10 MC Questions with four answers each (due date updated in class on Wednesday)
0514 - Debate Topic assigned
0515 - Event placard from an event from your topic group - no two people in your group may due the same event, person, place or trend
0515 - Medieval Topic Notes (individual)
0516 - Group Topic Presentations - Group Slide Show, Group Presentation (with outline notes), Individual assignments related to topic (see separate blog post for Topic assignment)
0517 - Typed Epilogue due

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

SS Chapter 5, 11, 28 Textbook reading HW

Due - Detail
050912 - Read Chapter 5 - write 3EQ with 3 bullet point answers each
051012 - Ch 5 EQ Open book quiz
051112 - Ch 11 - take notes on 10 different events - 2 to 3 sentences each event
051512 - Ch 28 - Write 10 MC Questions - four answers each - for possible wrong answers, use other info from Ch 28, and Ch 2, 3, 4, 5, 11

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Medieval Europe Assignments - Ch 2,3,4 - Due this week

Since most students have completed all of the work assigned so far this week, we are going to move ahead with a quick survey of Medieval Europe before covering Renaissance and Early Modern Europe.

Each student was assigned a chapter to read from 2,3,4 and each student met in a group with students assigned to read the same chapter to determine what topic each student would research tonight.

Due - Assignment
050312 - Research your in class topic from your chapter. Use the internet to write a two paragraph explanation of your person, place, event, idea or item. Paragraph 1 - Explain, define, facts and details. Paragraph 2 - importance, what happened - how these events or ideas are related to other events, etc.

050412 - For the assigned chapter (2,3,4), take 3 notes for four different sections.
050412 - For the chapter, illustrate (color and ink) and write a caption (15 - 25 words) for each section set of notes. Fill the space, erase pencil, zoom in for detail - all of the norms for artwork established this year. (Blank handout here - 4 up story map)
050412 - Scavenger Hunt for Chapter 2,3,4. Notes due at end of period (4 important details from researched paragraphs from each chapter)