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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Updated EQ21 Question #1 and Work due next week:

Since Monday and Tuesday are the CST Testing, there will be no homework on Monday Night.

Due by
0501 Tuesday - in class by the end of class - Notes for Outsiders through Chapter 12
0502 Wednesday - EQ Quiz on SS7 Ch21 - Study Guide here choose three of the four - 15 point quiz. Reread the sections in the text that correspond to each question.
0504 Friday - Student written Epilogue for Outsiders - Two pages, handwritten minimum. Ten years later, first person (Ponyboy's voice), covering three major events that evolved since the time of the book's ending. You may mention Cheri, going to college, being drafted into Vietnam, family relations, raising a family, getting married, moving away, working, and other life changes

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