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Monday, October 3, 2011

Station Work Schedule for work due 10/07/11

Stations Sheet 100711

Notes about Yesterday (poem) by WS Merwin

Yesterday by WS Merwin

Poetry Process notes

Mayan Quiz and Spelling Test Unit 3 on Friday
Spelling Contract Due on Thursday
Student written Poem due Friday
Typed Writing Assessment due Wednesday - NO parent editing should occur. Students are responsible to show their own, best editing effort.

100711 Station assignment notes – from in class discussion:
1.     Poetry Assignment:
a.     Write a poem that using dialogue between two people
b.     Pick and focus on a very specific topic using the One Inch Picture Frame
c.      The poem should force the reader to identify feelings, senses and/or emotions that are demonstrated in the poem
d.     12 lines minimum, most likely 20 – 30 lines

2.     Calendar Activity –
a.     Each group member must take bullet point notes that cover
                                               i.     the major traits of the assigned calendar, and
                                              ii.     contrast it with our current 365 ¼ day Solar Calendar.
                                            iii.     What are the major cycles of each calendar.
                                            iv.     How often do the lunar calendars match up with the solar calendars.
                                              v.     How is the first day of each month computed.
                                            vi.     Important holidays – New Year, Month long, Spring, Fall, Winter, etc.
                                           vii.     Define other important features of the calendar.
                                         viii.     ALL GROUPS print max a different article per member and USE BOOKS and textbooks

b.     Station Groups – Research the following calendar
                                               i.     Three – Mayan
                                              ii.     Four – Islam
                                            iii.     Five – Chinese
                                            iv.     One – Jewish
                                              v.     Two – Gregorian and Julian Calendar differences and when adopted

3.     Study for Mayan Test
a.     Know all key terms – highlighted in text
b.     Be able to explain each section header
c.      Study drawings and illustrations
d.     Study and quiz your team members

4.     Type Writing Assessment in Google Docs and Share link to

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