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Sunday, October 30, 2011

LASS7 Station Sheet - Due 11/4 and 11/7

Station Sheet
Movie Poster for Outside Novel

Reminder - Short Report Due Tuesday (format on the station sheets for last week and this week):
Typed, 12 pt, standard font
Double Spaced
one page of notes from two books minumum
two book sources minimum must be included in a typed bibliography

EQ1 Notes from Friday - taken in class Core 1/2


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Journal Entry due 10/27/11

Prompt - Write a journal entry in the voice of a character from Stargirl. (No twist, but you may only choose a character). The topic may cover a ideas from the novel, but may also be about your daily life in that characters voice.

Stargirl Quiz 1026, EQ Questions for 1028 Quiz, Short Report Assignments

text in different colors link to document described

Stargirl - Review your chapter notes, and ALL class notes about:
1. Foreshadowing of key events from Chapters 1-6 and 7-14 from class activities, discussions and notes (attached below)
2. Chapter 7 - 14 Discussion Notes (from 102511)
3. Chapter 1 - 6 Discussion Notes
The quiz on Wednesday will have 15 multiple choice, matching and fill-in the blank questions, all worth one point each and 1 short essay questions worth 5 points each.

EQ Chapter 1 Questions - Two written questions in paragraph form due Thursday in class. The Quiz, on Friday requires that students answer 3 of the 4 questions given. We will have our second study session for the quiz on Thursday.

Roman Short Report Assigned Topics per student - DUE Nov 1, Tuesday
Core 1, Core 2

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week of 102811

Docs -
Stations Sheet 102811

Roman Short Report Assigned topics student list Core 1 - if you were absent get a topic ASAP

Roman Report Format - Due 11/01/11, Tuesday, Typed - with page of notes from 2 - 3 books and bibliography

EQ1 Notes from Core 2 from 10/24/11 Discussion

EQ Quiz process steps outline - Students create their own quiz for this Friday, 10/28/11

Monday, October 17, 2011

Roman Map Directions

Roman Map -
1. Read the Map Assignment Guidelines Sheet first.
2. Draw the pencil outlines of all of the Roman Provinces onto the final copy Roman Outline Map provided. Make sure the right proportions and shapes are used to transfer the boundaries correctly.
3. Ink the lines using your fine sharpie.
4. Mark the City of Rome on the map.
5. Label each province. Label all other areas of the map that are not part of the Roman Empire.
5a. If the name cannot fit into the area of a province, then write the label in a larger open space nearby. 5b. All labels drawn outside a province should be either vertical or horizontal to the page, most being horizontal.
5c. Some label may follow the shape of the province, but use vertical or horizontal labels inside a province when possible.
6. Color each province using colored pencil. Use about 8 different colors. Avoid black or white. No two nearby provinces should be the same color, or closely shaded color (no blue and forest green for example). Colors of each nearby province should be a dramatically different color (Red and Blue are very different).
6a. Only color Roman Provinces. Do not color parts of the final map that are not part of source map.

Sample Map:

Journal Entry due 10/21/11

Journal Entry (choose):
Make a list of Common Expressions that you say to other people. Explain when you use some of these expressions. Tell a story where you have used one of your expressions. How do people react to your best expressions?


What is the most important Ancient contribution that affects my life?

Handouts for Week ending 102111

Stations Sheet
Map Assignment Guidelines
Roman Outline Map
Roman Provinces - Color - from Internet

Thursday, October 13, 2011

MayanQuiz #2 Study Guide, Quizzes and work due

Here are today's Mayan Quiz #2 Study Guide notes.

Tomorrow, Friday, October 14 -
Ch 23 Mayan Quiz #2 - 10 MC questions - based on Study Guide #2 and other class notes and the chapter.

Grammar Quiz - ID parts of speech from a Shel Silverstein Poem (Pretest, but the grade counts - 10 pts - to be curved)

Also Due:
Typed Poem - second draft. First Draft must be turned in or 5 points are lost out of 20. All poems must show some improvements from Student Workshop at this week's Station 3.

Ch 23 - Four colored panels - see station sheet and class notes for more information.

Journal - Waking or sleeping rituals and habits.

Painted Maps are now 20% late if not completed. Only five students came in on Tuesday lunch, and two came in on Wednesday lunch. About 10 students in both cores are not complete. There will about 20 - 30 minutes for some students to work on maps at back of room on Friday after quizzes.

Three groups will present their calendar presentations tomorrow - Muslim (Core 2 only), Jewish and the differences between Julian and Gregorian Calendars.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Spelling Test Unit 3 and Mayans Ch 23 Quiz Friday. All work collected Friday.

Here are notes to help study for the Mayan Quiz tomorrow.

All question can be taken directly from the book, where more information exists in addition to the class notes, which are largely an overview so far.

Notes from 100511 - first Mayan overview
Notes from 100611 - includes format of Mayan Quiz
Calendar Notes - study for EQ question part of quiz

Here are the two EQ questions from a Stations Sheet from two weeks ago - you must answer one on Friday's quiz:

1. How did the Mayan Calendar work?
2. Explain the class structure of Mayan Culture.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Substitute Plan - All students must follow

Substitute Plan 10/4/11

Station Work Schedule for work due 10/07/11

Stations Sheet 100711

Notes about Yesterday (poem) by WS Merwin

Yesterday by WS Merwin

Poetry Process notes

Mayan Quiz and Spelling Test Unit 3 on Friday
Spelling Contract Due on Thursday
Student written Poem due Friday
Typed Writing Assessment due Wednesday - NO parent editing should occur. Students are responsible to show their own, best editing effort.

100711 Station assignment notes – from in class discussion:
1.     Poetry Assignment:
a.     Write a poem that using dialogue between two people
b.     Pick and focus on a very specific topic using the One Inch Picture Frame
c.      The poem should force the reader to identify feelings, senses and/or emotions that are demonstrated in the poem
d.     12 lines minimum, most likely 20 – 30 lines

2.     Calendar Activity –
a.     Each group member must take bullet point notes that cover
                                               i.     the major traits of the assigned calendar, and
                                              ii.     contrast it with our current 365 ¼ day Solar Calendar.
                                            iii.     What are the major cycles of each calendar.
                                            iv.     How often do the lunar calendars match up with the solar calendars.
                                              v.     How is the first day of each month computed.
                                            vi.     Important holidays – New Year, Month long, Spring, Fall, Winter, etc.
                                           vii.     Define other important features of the calendar.
                                         viii.     ALL GROUPS print max a different article per member and USE BOOKS and textbooks

b.     Station Groups – Research the following calendar
                                               i.     Three – Mayan
                                              ii.     Four – Islam
                                            iii.     Five – Chinese
                                            iv.     One – Jewish
                                              v.     Two – Gregorian and Julian Calendar differences and when adopted

3.     Study for Mayan Test
a.     Know all key terms – highlighted in text
b.     Be able to explain each section header
c.      Study drawings and illustrations
d.     Study and quiz your team members

4.     Type Writing Assessment in Google Docs and Share link to