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Monday, September 19, 2011

Week of September 19 - 23, 2011

Stations Sheet, Sept. 23

This week in LASS7 -
1. Discuss Mayan Class structure, Calendar and Artifacts found at the De Young Museum permanent Mesoamerican Collection.
2. Writing - Six Word Memoir exercise (to be used for future, student generated journal prompts) and a journal (a time you gave or received HELP)
3. Water Color World maps are finally ready for painting this week, and two stations are dedicated to this process.
4. Poetry recitation will be finished by Wednesday.
5. Grammar quiz on Friday, following activity with types of sentences.
6. Beginning of our first class novel, Stargirl, with plenty of literature concepts to help understand the structure of the novel (and out six word memoirs). This novel is an excellent fictional memoir, character driven plot line, that allows for several writing extensions with many twists and surprises along the way.

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