Rodgers Homepage

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reminder - Two completed station assignments due on Wednesday

To make sure that all students are pacing themselves in class during work sessions and working on uncompleted work at home every night, two assignments will be checked off as completed at the beginning of class on Wednesday.

Blank World Map to quiz yourself when you study for Thursday's Geo Quiz

Blank World Map

Monday, August 29, 2011

Quizzes this week in LASS7 - Rodgers

Thursday - Geography Quiz, 20 points. Study each night. Focus on the places you do not know. Spelling counts.

Friday - Grammar timed activity. Identical in nature to the station worksheet this week, except the activity is timed.

Label all assignments with the Friday date the work is due

All work this week, that is due Friday should have the date September 2, 2011 as the date in each Hall Header.

Poetry can be found at these great sites

If you didn't find an adult contemporary or classic poem in class, you are encouraged to use these sites to find a poem and then type it. You cannot use poetry written specifically for children. The poem must be a minimum of 12 lines long.
The format should have the title of the poem, next line by author's name. Then the poem single spaced. At the end of the poem, next line type: typed by your first and last name. 18 pt type.

Poetry Foundation
Famous Poets and Poems

Please bookmark these links for future reference.

You may cut and paste the poem from the website, but then format the poem as above. This typed poem was from last week's station cycle, and is the same poem you will use to write a poetry review piece in class in our stations this week.

Journal Prompt, Poetry Response guidelines, Geographic terms handouts

The Journal Prompt this week, twist if necessary: "Describe and tell why you would pick three friends you would want with you if you were stuck on a deserted island."

Follow these Guidelines for Journals:

Poetry Response assignment guidelines.

Geographic terms and labelled world map.

Blog required homework due Wednesday.

Blog required homework.
If your last name starts with the following letter - then do the following homework assignment due Wednesday. The questions and answers should be written on a piece of notebook paper or typed. The answers should be no longer than about 40 words each max.
A - G: 
1. Ask a parent or adult at least 20 years old to define history.
2. Have them explain one culture or civilization they remember. What was one thing that was important about that culture according to them. What grade did they study this culture?

H - P:
1. Ask a parent or adult at least 20 years old to explain how current events relate to history. 
2. Have them explain how an important world event that happened in their lifetime was viewed at the time and how that view may have changed over time.

Q - Z:
1. Ask a parent or adult at least 20 years old to explain how history can help us predict the future or at least guide the present.
2. Have them explain what they can remember about the methods used to determine how history is written from their own education or personal interest.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Stations Sheet for week ending September 2, Friday.

Welcome to Week Two of school. Getting used to waking up early may be a bit better this week.

Station Sheet - Week Two

All assignments should have the due date, September 2, 2011 in the Hall Header.

Blog required homework.
If your last name starts with the following letter - then do the following homework assignment due Wednesday. The questions and answers should be written on a piece of notebook paper or typed. The answers should be no longer than about 40 words each max.
A - G:
1. Ask a parent or adult at least 20 years old to define history.
2. Have them explain one culture or civilization they remember. What was one thing that was important about that culture according to them. What grade did they study this culture?

H - P:
1. Ask a parent or adult at least 20 years old to explain how current events relate to history.
2. Have them explain how an important world event that happened in their lifetime was viewed at the time and how that view may have changed over time.

Q - Z:
1. Ask a parent or adult at least 20 years old to explain how history can help us predict the future or at least guide the present.
2. Have them explain what they can remember about the methods used to determine how history is written from their own education or personal interest.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday Night's Homework

Work on the following assingments for a maximum of 40 minutes tonight in the following order:
1. Spelling Contract
2. SS text Scavenger Hunt - answer on a sep. Sheet of paper.
3. Journal - A favorite person - twist if necessary. Journal guidelines apply

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday's HW

1. Work on your Spelling Unit 1 Contract for 20 minutes minimum.

2. Trace the coastlines of each continent 3 - 4 times on the source map.
Blank World Map

3. Journal Prompt for Station 5 - Favorite Person (Twist if necessary)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Suggestions for Spelling Contracts and Studying for Tests

Spelling Contract and Test format and suggestions

Journal Prompt 0822: Best Day of Summer

(Written and collected in class.)

Some guidelines for Journals

Day One and Homework

Tonights Homework - Due Wednesday, August 24.
1. Follow this blog with a student email - if you have an email.
2. Likewise, send Mr. Rodgers an email with your first and last name in the subject line.
3. If you do not have any type of email, please wait until tomorrow.
4. Work on the LASS7 Stations Sheet that is listed as Due Tuesday, is now Due Wednesday
   - (Bring an unread Novel to class)

Supplies (Suggested) - 7th Grade wide are due this Friday:
1. 2 x 1.5 inch binders (For LASS7, a 1 inch binder will do instead, as a substitute for one binder)
2. 12 colored pencils.
3. College Ruled Notebook paper - 200 sheet minimum. Over the year at least 400 sheets will be used school wide.
4. black and blue ink ball point pens
5. pencils, eraser, sharpener
6. scissors
7. Ruler
8. glue stick
9. 8 dividers (four per binder)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week One, Day One of School

Here is the first Weekly Station Sheet passed out in class:

Week One Station Sheet 082211

The sheet starts with a map of the room, where each group of students will work through the station activities together in class. At the end of each rotation, students that are finished should keep their completed work organized in a completed work area of their work binder. Incomplete work from a station becomes homework for that night.

All work from a station sheet is due by Friday, when it is collected. Some work has specified due dates before Friday, most typically Spelling Contracts - due Thursday so that it can be reviewed in class before the Spelling/Vocabulary Test.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The New School Year - Fall, 2011

I would like to welcome all students and parents to Language Arts and Social Studies Seventh Grade Core in our classroom, Room 601, as your teacher, Mr. Eliott Rodgers.

I know that many of us are excited for the first day of school. I am sure that we all, including myself, would love to have a few more days of summer - waking up when we want, being able to decide what we are going to do most of the time, and losing track of the days in the blaze of endless summer.

So, the first day, with a little sleep in all of our eyes, we will all be there at the first bell wondering who is in our class and how this coming year is going to turn out. I love that first day, but I too, wonder how I can help to make the year interesting, engaging and exciting. Of course, there is much to accomplish - textbooks, writing and reading, but I am most concerned with how we will work together to make the class fulfilling for each one of us each day.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, August 22, the first day of school.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer's End - August 14

The sound of an alarm clock is the first sign that summer is over. No more sleeping in and lazily traipsing around the house until 10 or 11 when I finally decide to get dressed and go to a cafe, visit a museum or get on a bus to another part of town. Watching the overcast morning transform into a sun drenched day from the living room window while drinking morning tea is definitely a luxury of summer. Waking up when it is still dark through the cracks of the bedroom blinds, six o'clock showers and finding something to wear are not part of the process that defines the summer lifestyle.

This past week I attended a Marin County Foundation Arts training, now in its third year, requiring several teachers at Hall and Neil Cummins to wake up, get dressed and attend training classes that incorporated art, theater, dance and music into hands on activities that we all could take back into the classroom. Overall, these trainings are very fulfilling because we learn by doing the activities that many of us will teach when we return.

I learned how to draw and write about an orange. That may sound like a simple description, but what came from that was a way of using art and writing together that I have not experienced before, incorporating each step of the workshop process that required an artistic activity necessary to facilitate the next step in the writing process, fostering the next artistic step, and so on. In previous years I learned a lot, and incorporated a rich artistic process into assignments, and utilized theater activities to foster better appreciation for literature. The previous years loaded me as a teacher with new tools to use with writing, but often in tandem, or as a lead in to a pure writing process, never as a new synthesis of two intertwined processes, one dependent upon the other.

So, get ready to draw an orange, and write about it as well.