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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Week of 1030 - 110917 End of Trimester

Roman Empire Activities - Start Ben Hur this week, starting on Monday. Finish Group Short Reports and Late Republic presentations. Empire Walk - research wall - unit assessment. We will head into Germanic Invasions, Fall of Rome, and Justinian’s expensive attempt to reunify the empire. Next week we will examine the history of Roman Judea, the history of early Christianity, and the writing of the New Testament. We will then wrap up with the split between the Roman Pope and the Eastern Church, followed by the rise of Charlemagne.

In Language Arts students should read Stargirl and FINISH it this week by Friday. For each chapter, students must take take 3 summary notes per chapter in a designated area of the notebook. We will be workshopping and sharing elements of our second draft of our story, and complete it by the end of the week. Next week, we will work on our Stargirl culminating activities, students will join one of the following Stargirl groups: Comic Book Factory, Stargirl Improv group, or Stargirl in Action Group.Next week we will also start a two week transition unit, that will introduce poetry to the rest of the year in both Language Arts and Social Studies.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Week of 102317 - Work this week

This Week:
Roman Empire Activities are under way this week. Each class is broken up into 8 groups, each with an assigned Emperor, and time period map. This set of activities allows students to work in groups every day and get and give help with their team. This is the first step into students working in groups in weeks to come, as well as in larger projects the rest of the year.

In Language Arts students should read Stargirl 20 minutes minimum each night, and take 3 summary notes per chapter in a designated area of the notebook. We are also workshopping our First Draft Story activity, where students will give feedback to different parts of other student stories all week.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Weekly Update - October 15 - grade system moves away from weighted categories to simple 90-80-70 points based system...

I have decided to not use weighted category grades. After much consideration, I am finding that the mathematical limitations of the district wide 90-80-70 grade scales for each Alma gradebook class, do not coalesce with a standards based system that I have been working with using different categories and standalone rubrics for each standard.

I am continuing to work towards a set of standards based systems, but also must adjust my methods of grading by assigning point values to each assignment. Calculating the weighted grade for each category, actually double weighted assignments that already were weighted based on a number of points that each assignments was assigned.

By eliminating weighted categories, it is still possible to set categories, and to assess strengths and weaknesses of each category for each student. However, the total points earned for each assignment will more cleanly reflect the 90-80-70 grade that students and parents understand, and are calculated to reflect higher overall grades for many students.

At the same time, students should continue to be aware that class grades can change from a B to a D if a students does not turn in assignments when they are due. Students can always make up assignments - please ask for clarification, directions, and show me any incomplete work so that I may help you do your best, and correct mistakes before turning work in.

If you have any questions about your grade, and how grades are computed, please send me an email.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Weekly overview, October 9

Some comments and quick reminders.
  1. You must use the website in order to succeed in this class, find out homework, and get materials in order to complete assignments.
  2. At least ⅔ of students report studying for the quiz that we had on October 9. I do wonder what the ⅓ of students… no, let’s not go into that area. I feel it is necessary to help those students who try, and want to succeed. I also will help students do their best, but students must always start with their best foot forward. Some students need additional help, and I am here to help them as well.
  3. We will have student - parent - teacher conferences next week. If you would like to have a conference, we can also have a conference in the weeks to come if you did not get a scheduled conference for next week. Students are expected to attend, since they must be empowered to be in charge of their successes and learn from any difficulties they may have.

This week we will continue our in class novel, Stargirl. We will also pursue our narrative writing unit with more fervor, now that our outside novel, Realistic Fiction, presentations are complete. We will learn how to capture the details of reality and use it our fictional writing over the next three weeks.

We will continue our study of Roman History. This week we will read and understand the decline of the Roman Republic before it became an Empire with some student group prentations. We will continue to examine the similarities between Rome and the USA, which will be reflected in our second pocket booklet activity.

For previous weekly updates, go to Mr. Rodgers Blog.

Monday, October 2, 2017

When we have a Substitute Teacher

When you have a substitute teacher, class officers, and every students must do everything they can to help the substitute
  1. Find all materials, seating charts, class card decks, handouts in class
  2. Students must sit in their normal seats and observe all normal class procedures.
  3. Students will always be instructed to get a Chromebook, one row at a time to read the week’s assignments for both Language Arts and Social Studies.
  4. Student officers will help the substitute teacher conduct the business of the day.
  5. All assignments and homework posted on the week calendar will be due as posted.

Your help as members of the classroom helps everyone succeed. Students will help each other and the substitute. Everything you are assigned are the same types of work and activities we have done in the past. It is important that each student make sure that the substitute teacher understands the correct class procedures.

I appreciate the good will of each student to have a great day with the substitute teacher, and make sure that everything is completed on the list. HERE is the sub plan. Refer to the “This Week” calendar for daily events.