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Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 022315 - I-search - notes, draft; Ch9/10 Booklet; Writing Assessment

Due Date - Details:

022415 -
Ch 9/10 Booklet due at beginning of class - colored, inked, border, title page

First draft of I-search TYPED - 5 paragraphs - Problem, Thesis, First Argument (3 paragraphs). Double spaced, name, title, date (most completed this in class on 022315)

Group Edit of First draft

022515 -
Second Draft I-search for first 5 paragraphs - typed, double spaced, printed out
IN CLASS - Read Chapter 11, page 119- top of 123. Pop Quiz on SS7 pages 119 - top of 123.

022615 -
8 note cards for I-search
Pop Quiz on SS7 pages 119 - top of 123.

022715 -
10 note cards for I-search
In class - Argumentative Essay Writing Assessment (articles read in class,

I-search update:
I-search folder should have the following documents:

  • Arg1firstname - no spaces
  • ProbThfirstname
  • Notesfirst
  • FirstDrfirstname
First Argument - three paragraphs as follows:
  1. EXPLAIN the elements and key terms of the argument
  2. Best EVIDENCE - studies, data, statistics that categorize different elements to make your point
  3. EXAMPLE or Anecdote of an actual person or event that supports your argument
Bibliography - MLA format - use online MLA Bibliography generator

Friday, February 20, 2015

Catching up over the weekend... Due February 23

Over a three day week, getting things done can be a bit overwhelming. With that in mind due dates have been moved to next Monday based on average student performance as follows:

Due Monday, February 23 - at the beginning of class

3 complete (colored, inked, borders, text) pages in the Islamic Booklet
3 complete draft paragraphs for the I-Search first Argument

Many students kept up with the homework, and some did not. Several have already completed the above requirement, several others are very close - 15 minutes - to finishing.

Overall, we worked in class about 2 - 2:15 hours in class on these two activities.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week of 2/18 - I-search and Ch 9/10 booklet

Homework Due - Detail
0219 -
Finish 5 pages - drawing pictures, borders, and writing text in the booklet using pencil only

0220 -
A. Finish coloring and inking the booklet (in class and homework)
B. Complete first draft of First Argument paragraphs (in class all week) -

  1. EXPLAIN the argument
  2. EVIDENCE - Give the best evidence that supports the argument
  3. EXAMPLE - Give an example about a person or event that supports the argument 
C. Complex Sentence group sheet - page 64-65 (in class only)

In class - Activities, coverage, questions, and work time:
0218, W - 
I-search (see below), booklet 9/10, Poetry - work time, individual meetings and performance

0219, Th
Booklet - Ch 9/10 - 6 pages sketched out, 2 pages colored
I-search - First argument paragraphs
I-search - continue checks and updates meetings with students
Poetry performance

0220, F - due
Booklet - Ch 9/10 6 pages sketched out, 4 pages colored at beginning of class
I-search - First argument paragraphs shared with class

I-search check and updates:
1. Verify I-search folder  and contents are shared and viewable by Mr. Rodgers
2. Hook, Problem, and Thesis Paragraphs verification
3. Note format verification
4. Youtube video verification
4. Research methods - finding the right information to take notes

  • Youtube videos
  • Using one source to find more information in other sources
    • subtopics
    • events, examples mentioned

Thursday, February 12, 2015

We-Search Note Template

Use THIS TEMPLATE here to take all notes in Google Docs.  You can find all I-search resources in the handouts tab at the top of this blog page.

For each source, you must fill out a note template with up to three pieces of information for that source on one note template. You may use two note templates maximum per each source.

Copy the blank template and place it in your shared I-Search folder. Each time you take a new note, copy the template and fill it in.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

We-Search due Thursday - Complete Wednesday night

Wednesday night -
Write your first draft thesis paragraph on a piece of notebook paper:

The parts of a Thesis Paragraph - Thesis statement and Three Arguments
Thesis sentence -

  • This is the topic sentence of the paragraph, and of the entire paper
  • Stated as an argumentative statement that the writer will attempt to prove in the paper
    • Has measurable details
    • Avoids using adjectives by themselves - use details to show the opinions that you want to express
  • Uses key terms related to the topic
Three Arguments - the rest of the paragraph - Each argument statement should:

  • make a clear statement that can be supported, later in the paper, with evidence
  • cover different details about the thesis
  • may be connected in some way, but without too much overlap

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Progress Reports and Making up Late work UPDATE

The District required that class grades be reported on January 30, 2015, necessary to notify students and parents of class progress.

Students were given grade sheets in class prior to this deadline to verify missing assignments. 
Some students turned in missing work before the deadline.

The District notified parents of progress reports on February 5.

For those students that turned in work after this deadline, it will not be posted until tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb 10, to make sure that all parents see the required Progress Report grade calculation as of January 30. 

Makeup and missing work can always be turned in during the same Trimester, with appropriate late penalties. Students that were absent are given those number of days absent to make up an assignment without penalty. Penalties are as follows: 1 day late - 10% off; 2 - 5 days last - 20% off; 6 or more days - 30% off.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week of 020915

Due - Details

021015 -
Complete the I-Search outline form by yourself (handed out in class)

021115 -
2 Stations completed

021215 -
3 Stations completed

021315 -
5 stations completed

Stations -
1. Idioms handout AND write a 200 word min journal based on up to four different idioms (How do slogans and sayings apply to my life AND prewriting activity for next poem)
2. OK for Now - read and notate through Chapter 5
3. Chapter 9/10 - illustrated booklet - directions in class - The final activity is due at the end of next week.

  • At the station - complete the text for the six pages - 25 - 40 words each
  • format: 6 pages plus cover - 5-1/2x8-1/2 booklet; ink; color; Islamic Art designs with text for each page; 25 - 40 words descriptions for each page.
  • Content: 3 pages from chapter 9 and 3 pages from chapter 10: How do different aspects of Islamic Civilization parallel my life today?
  • Use the internet to find Islamic Art designs, styles, and motifs to complete all illustrations, borders, and motifs
  •  (What elements of Islamic Civilization effect our lives today?)

4. I-Search outline form (this part is Monday night's homework) and note taking format and strategy activities (Search -  14 paragraphs outline here)

  • Monday Night - complete the I-Search outline worksheet - individually, not with other group members
  • Tuesday Night - complete paragraph two - describe the problem and both sides of the issue without starting to present evidence or making a case for either side of the topic
  • Wednesday Night - Write your first draft thesis paragraph on a piece of notebook paper: The parts of a Thesis Paragraph - Thesis statement and Three Arguments see separate blog post here

5. Parts of speech activities in class only (enrich your writing activity)

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam pocketbook - first edition, 1941

This is the actual book that I read as a child that I told the story about today. 

Here is the first quatrain of the piece we read today with a great black and white print

Quiz Here


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week of 020215

Guiding Questions this week:
1. How does a person use descriptive language to paint a clear picture that grabs the attention of the reader?
2. What are the contributions of Islamic Civilization that influence our daily lives?
3. How does a person demonstrate they understand a controversial issue?

Wednesday - Three Stations
Thursday - Four Stations
Friday - Five Stations

1. Thesis and Hooks activities - Computer required. Turn in both the Thesis and Hook Worksheets.

2. Read SS7 Ch 10
  • Notebook assignment - 
    • identify three contributions of Islamic Civilization that has affected your life
    • for each contribution write a paragraph that includes information about:
      • define the contribution
      • how this contribution affects your life directly and
      • how this contribution affects our modern life in society
      • how this contribution may have changed over time
3. Rewrite the following underlined words and phrases to give this paragraph more meaning:

I just saw this movie. I really liked it. From the start, I could not stop watching it. I liked the main character - his voice made me think of so many different people that have had an influence on me. The action was well paced. Every turn in the plot made me feel so good and just right. 

4. Expanding ideas and giving details 3-51 and 3-56.

5. Read the novel and take notes through chapter 3, page 107. On your notes sheet, keep track of how long and how many pages you read each time.