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Friday, October 31, 2014

CORE TWO in class on Friday - Deeds Edit instructions.

On Friday in class, we shared in Google Docs our essay for comment with two other classmates.

In class, you must comment on two other student essays as follows:

1. You must comment on each paragraph:
  • highlight an area of the essay, then select comment to get the comment text box...
  • explain the information that you feel this paragraph needs to make it a more meaningful paragraph.
  • you may ask a question for your comment that requires the writer to give more information or details for the paragraph.
2. When you are done, you must have a comment for each paragraph with a suggestion for more detail.

3. Since another student is also commenting, your comments must be different from the other student comments.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

No Homework for Thursday. Congrats to our Hook Off Contestants and Winners.

See you on Friday. Depending on your core, make sure your drafts on your good deed's essay are COMPLETELY up to date. To make sure, you must review the blog for this past week for your CORE class.

Congratulations to Monika Platek and Aaron Kim for winning the Core 2 Hook Off. Their hooks will be shared tomorrow.

CORE TWO only - take this survey after the Scavenger Hunt in class on Thursday night

Take this survey about your article.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

CORE ONE only - finish online edit for two other people assigned in class

On Wednesday, we shared in Google Docs our essay for comment with two other classmates.

Tonight, for HW, you must comment on two other student essays as follows:

1. You must comment on each paragraph:
  • highlight an area of the essay, then select comment to get the comment text box...
  • explain the information that you feel this paragraph needs to make it a more meaningful paragraph.
  • you may ask a question for your comment that requires the writer to give more information or details for the paragraph.
2. When you are done, you must have a comment for each paragraph with a suggestion for more detail.

3. Since another student is also commenting, your comments must be different from the other student comments.

CORE 2 only HW for 1029 due 1030 - Hooks and Leads suggestions

1. Read the handout: Here is a great handout on hooks and leads
2. Write 3 new and different types of hooks(from the list above) for your Good Deeds essay
3. We will use your new hooks for our "Hook Off" Contest in class on Thursday.
4. Write your hooks on a piece of notebook paper.

ALSO - Bring:
1. Bring typed, double spaced second draft of your Good Deeds essay(completed on Tuesday night's HW) to class for editing on Thursday.
2. Lastly, bring your current event summary write-up and article that was to completed Monday night for HW. We will do a Current Event Scavenger Hunt in class on Thursday.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Deeds Edit #1 HW for 10/28 due 10/29

CORE 2: Rewrite your Good Deeds essay from the comments and marks made in class.

CORE 1: (as homework)If you did not finish your essay before our editing session, you need to have a parent work with you to do this simple edit step:

0. First, sign the paper and print your name.

1. Read the essay all the way through - do not think of editing in any way, just read for understanding.

2. Read the essay a second time with a pencil in your hand.

  • you will only edit for two types of passages in a specific way - no grammar, punctuation, spelling, or any rewriting of any kind should be performed.
  • you will be marking passages - word strings between 3 - 12 words
  • Find about 4 ideas that "really pop out" in someway - great ideas, well written, really speaks to the reader, excellent sentence structure - for what ever reason.
    • underline these passages, and put a star at the beginning and end of each of these lines or sentences.
  • Find about 4 ideas that present unclear ideas, need more detail, or need more work in order to make better sense of the ideas presented
    • Use bubble brackets at the beginning and end of each of these passages. 
  • When you are done, pick two star-lined and two bubble bracketed passages and make two comments about each of these passages. 
  • Be descriptive, but make sure that your comments allow your son or daughter to write a good second draft with more detail that reflects quality 7th grade writing.

Work for Tuesday's Class

1. Complete the Survey here
2. Bring your article write up and staple your printed article behind it.
3. Make sure your first draft of your good deeds essay is complete.

We will use the current event assignment for an in class activity at the beginning of  Tuesday.

We will be peer editing and process writing the Good Deeds essay all week.

CORE 1 HW - due 1029 - Scavenger Hunt - Summarize your article here

Take this survey about your article.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week of 102014 - Good Deeds Essay

Date - Due

1021 -
Write Good Deeds Essay (gdoc - GDE1020Last) Part 1 - Introduction
1 - 2 paragraphs:
a. Define the concept of "good deed"
b. Thesis statement with supporting ideas


1022 - 
1. Write the first BODY paragraph 

  • that supports your THESIS with the best details, examples, and/or explanation. 
  • The first BODY paragraph is typically longer than other body paragraphs 
  • since it is the best and most important piece of supporting evidence in your paper.
2. Print your essay (intro and first body paragraph) in double space layout.


1023 - 
1. Write the second and third BODY paragraphs.

2. Print the current event article - find a news (politics, social issues, economics) article from a country that was in the Roman Empire based on the first initial of your last name (see list below). (40 minutes were spent searching for an article on class computers and discussing various issues with finding good articles)

Article must be:
  • from a major news source - news agency, television station, magazine or newspaper
  • dated within the past two weeks
  • at least 100 words in length
Google search advice:

  • don't pick the first article you see or read
  • do more than one search with key words that narrow the topic
  • find an article topic that you are interested in to some degree
  • find an article that you can understand

CORE 1 - 

B - England, United Kingdom
C - Germany
D - L - France
M - N - Spain
P - R - Italy
Sexton - Smith - Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo
Stocker - Z - Algeria, Tunisia, Libya

Core 2 - 
B - England, United Kingdom
C - G - Germany
J - K - France
L - N - Spain
P - R - Italy
S - Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo
W - Algeria, Tunisia, Libya

Brainstorm for Writing - (we did many of these steps for this essay so far)
Five Paragraph Essay Format

Possible Theses statements for this essay - you may create your own, or combine these (note: theses is the plural form of thesis)

Guidelines for the essay HERE

Monday, October 13, 2014

Week of 101314

Due - Detail

Read SG 28 - 30 in class NQ
Notes on Rome - in class
Work on Roman Assignment

Read SG through chapter 30

Social Studies - Differentiated Assignment - part two:
1. Timeline sketch layout - pencil - guidelines for timeline here
2. Short Report first paragraph written and outline of paragraphs 2 - 3 - short report guidelines here (download to print) 
3. Roman Empire Provinces - labels and border in ink - Online source map

101514 -
Read SG to the end of the Epilogue and NQ

Vocabulary Quiz #1 - List is here

Roman Differentiated Assignments are due

Friday, October 10, 2014

Poetry Activity for Friday

1. Reread Kay Ryan's poem, "Home to Roost." one last time.
identify the idiom.
Discuss how she uses the idiom to develop the poem - think, pair, share.
Understand the figurative meaning and the literal meaning of the idiom.

2. Find an idiomatic expression that can be developed into an entire poem.
Idiom sites:
Wikipedia entry * Wiktionary
English Club
Idiom Connection

3. Define the expression figuratively and literally. What literal ideas can you use to illustrate the figurative meaning of the expression?

4. Write a poem based on the idiom... in class directions and activity.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Added homework due Friday, 101014

Due Friday, 101014:
SG 22-24 NQ
short for: 
Read Stargirl, Chapters 22 - 24. Take 3 notes and quotes on the NQ (8 box) charts.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Week of 100614

Due Date - Detail
Note - most of this work will be worked on in class every day.

1007 T -
Work on World Map up to 30 minutes at home Monday night (if painted map, this will be completed in class)

1008 W -
A. Read SG 19-21 NQ (if painted map is in class, or map is completed, due this Monday night)

B. Roman Differentiated Assignment notes or draft only -
Started Tuesday in class.
Student do one assignment only
See assignment type and topic STUDENT LIST here

1. Short Report: 8 notes from the internet on your topic -
        short report guidelines here (download to print) - draft due NEXT WEEK
2. Timeline: 8 events from your time period - notes only with dates
3. Map sketch in pencil of all political boundaries of the Roman Provinces - Online source map

(Note - Vocab Quiz moved to Tuesday, 101414, due to a posting error - the wrong list was shared initially)

1009 Th -
EQ Quiz - Questions and data will be compiled Tuesday in class - Study guide and guidelines here
(you must answer the #1 - Fall of Rome Question and one question from number 2 or 3)

10010 F -
SG 22-24 NQ
Good Deed record complete
Poem typed (to be started AND completed in class)

1014 T -
Vocabulary Quiz on the Learning Words List of LASS7 - List is here

Thursday, October 2, 2014

EQ Questions and process

EQ Basic elements

How to study for an EQ quiz:
1. Read the study guide questions.
2. Choose the required number of questions to answer for the quiz (2 of 3 given) - include the required question - #1 most of the time.
3. Reread those sections in the book for each question.
4. decide what facts, details and explanations you want to use for your unique answer.
5. Practice writing a paragraph for each question.

EQ Questions -  EQ Study Guide 1

Here is the outline of the EQ student generated process for parents to understand the process.