Rodgers Homepage

Sunday, March 30, 2014

HW and Class Activities Week of 033114 - 040414: Isearch Pres., Africa Story; Africa Quizlet

HW this week:
1. Practice your African Story Presentation at home - Presentation through the week.
  • read the script out loud.
  • review your lines and actions in the script very carefully.
    Performance Group Rubric (mostly follows Speaking Rubric scales, plus group components)
2. Study for the Africa Quiz - that will be given in class this Thursday for Core, Friday for p3:
  • use the class materials, notes, the SS7 textbook, and class blog posts to study.
  • We will have a major study session in class on Tuesday.
3. Practice your Isearch Presentation - Presentation through the week.
  • read your presentation out loud.
  • underline key terms and phrases that need emphasis - pauses, hand gesture, volume, eye contact, etc.
  • Students will be presenting this week, 4 - 5 presentation a day the rest of this week.
4. Finish your final draft of your Isearch with all necessary parts shared in the correct Gdoc folder.

Important Links from previous blogs:

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Classroom Day goals for 032714

While Mr. Rodgers works with Mrs. Ferguson on District Curriculum goals and outcomes for 7th grade Language Arts and Social Studies today:

Goals that must be completed in class today:
1. Use computers effectively and plug them in each period when finished with them. (30 - 40 min.)
2. Write a Journal related to our African Story. (13 - 15 minutes write, 5 minutes class share)
3. Practice your African performance in small groups (15 - 20 minutes)

Link to Goals for the day directions are here

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Isearch Public Speaking Rubric

Here it is

Study Guide for Africa Quizlet

We will have a longer quiz (25 points) next week (most likely Thursday, April 3, at this point)
to conclude our Africa Unit

Here are a number of resources that will help you prepare - read all materials carefully

Study Review (list of readings, assignments, with some notes attached) - Part One and Two (together)

Notes - Chapter 15 overview

Slide Show - Ghana, Mali, and Songhai Empires of West Africa

Monday, March 24, 2014

HW week of 032414

Due - Details
0324 - Class notes on Ch 15 and Tribal society link

0325 - Isearch Presentation write-up printed and ready to present (practice) guidelines link

0325 - First African Story Performance set

0328 - Second African Story Performance set

0328 - Final Isearch Draft with bibliography (printed)

0328 - Final Isearch materials in shared folder (notes, bibliography, outline, drafts, final draft)

0403 - African Quizlet - Ch 12 - 15 (with major emphasis on 13 - 14) (Dates changed 032714)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

HW week starting 031014

Due - Detail
0311 - 
First Draft Isearch - including all 13 functions for the paper. 
+1 XC for 2nd draft if commented by Mr. R

0311 - 
African Story summaries - started in class

0313 - 
Ch 13 - 3 EQ questions (each from different sections) - answer each with 3 points

SBAC practice test


Friday, March 7, 2014

In Class Activities - Friday 030714

Core 1 -
1. Worked on completing first draft - it is due today.

  • Some students peer edited completed first drafts.
2. Several students conferred with Mr. Rodgers on missing work, and several corrections were made.

3. African story telling techniques
  • watched videos on rhythm, dance, story telling
  • engaged in movement and rhythm activities
Period 3 - 
1. Completed the Current Event Scavenger Hunt activity.
2. watched videos on rhythm and dance for African Story Telling activity next week.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

In class activity Read Chapter 12 with notes...

1. Read Ch 12 - and take notes individually: 
2. Bullet summary points - per section, important points.

Monday, March 3, 2014

HW starting 3/4 so far

Due - Detail
3/3 - Finish Current event assignment - handout

3/4 - School Site survey - in class

3/5 - Isearch Draft One complete

3/6 - 9-11 Parent Interview HW - 
Answer: Since 911, what is the most important thing that we have learned from 911 and the events that followed 911?
Write your answer in information points



Daylight Savings Time is this coming Sunday

This coming Sunday, March 9th, is Daylight Savings Time. We move our clocks ahead one hour. So when you wake up Sunday morning at 9 am, move your manual clocks to the time on your cell phone, to 10 am. In effect, if the sun came up at 7 am and went down at 6 pm, then the sun will rise at 8 am, and go down at 7 pm. This is my favorite time of year - watching the days get longer each day.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers