Rodgers Homepage

Monday, November 25, 2013

HW week of 112513

Due - Details

11/26 -
In class - scenery, props, extras practice
Finish Country Historical Map
SG Script group - work on your script for your two assigned chapters

11/27 -
Complete any late or missing work
In class - video tape movie scenes

SG Script group -
print out and highlight scenes on your script
practice your lines

Poetry Guide for Bards here

Poetry Guide for Bards here

Friday, November 22, 2013

Medieval Guilds Level Two

Each Guild member that has completed Level One is now at Level Two.
Second Level titles and quests

Squire - Country Pledge of activities contract (Sample by *Dean Watson*). Target Shoot Tournament

Poet - Perform a medieval source poem for the entire class

Journeyman - A portrait of a couple in any medium (besides computer)

Protege - Write a short report about an important scientific or medical theory of the time period. Present a summary of your findings to class.

Those that have not progressed must still pass their level one quest - so practice or complete the task.
Even though you have not completed the first task, you MUST start working on the second level task.

All level for each class can be found here: Medieval Level Spreadsheet

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Current Event due Friday

11/15 - Current Event -  Find an article that takes place in your country - politics, economics, military - Write up due AND article printed out. Follow the form here. (Make a copy of the form so you can edit it).

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Weekly HW: Medieval Groups and Quests, Current Events, Research Topic

Each student was assigned a Medieval country and a profession in class today.

Due - Detail

11/13 - Final Draft of your Good Deeds essay. Will be edited by Mr. Rodgers.

11/13 - Research your Medieval Short Report topic: type your notes in G-docs. Save each internet link and explain each link in a sentence. Gather a 1/2 page of typed notes about your topic.

- Find your topic number here. Look up topic list here.

11/14 - First Level of each quest:

Page (Knight) - Create a coat of arms or crest. Rough draft due.

Jester (Bard) - Write a 30 to 60 second comedy routine that consists of a series of jokes, a story, or a combination of humor that gets people to laugh. Draft due.

Artisan - Find a medieval map of your country or related medieval topic map that you would like to draw that shows your talent. Print out your map and share your link.

Sage - Find a Medieval quote from the time period that you would like to write in calligraphy and be able to explain it to the class.

Medieval Short Report Assignment - Due Nov 19 - First draft

Medieval – Short Report Assignments

To be assigned on November 12 in class.

Three paragraphs
1. Explain and define the title topic
2. Give significant timeline details or technical details
3. Explain the significance of the topic to Medieval history - 
3a. nearby regions, effects on daily life, art, politics, etc.
3b. what were some long term effects of this topic

Typed in Google Docs
300 - 500 words

Must have bibliography with three references from the internet

Topics List here - these are chosen and confirmed in class with each student

Take this survey to help get a topic of interest

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Stargirl's important chapters - how a book becomes a movie (11/6 class activity)

In class activity: Students selected the most important twenty chapters. In small groups they debated and discussed which 16 chapters were essential. As a class we continued these discussions until we decided which 16 chapters would be used to make our movie.

Our goal as a class is to narrow down Stargirl to the most important chapters, scenes, and details so that we can make a Stargirl movie. As many of our favorite novels and book series have been made into movies, it is our hope that the Stargirl movie will capture the spirit of the book, while allowing the class to retell the story in order to make it meaningful for the students.

The top ten chapters:

The next six:

The last four:

Chapters that did not make the cut:

Schedule for drafts - Good Deed's essay - This week

11/5 -
In class -  mark for
<Great Sentences>, ((Confusing sentences)), (star) Topic sentences of each paragraph

HW - due, print at home
Second draft, resolving confusing sentences, and confusion about topic sentences. Write better supporting sentences (evidence and details) for your great sentences.

11/6 -
In class - mark for
(star) Topic sentence of each paragraph,
(1,2,3,4) number each supporting detail for each topic sentence per paragraph (starting at 1 for each new paragraph's set of supporting sentences).
Underline any sentences that needs more details or specifics - then in the side margin write a note or make a list of suggestions you would like to see for more details for each underlined sentence.

Lastly, at the end of the selection, write any general comments or suggestions you have for the piece.

You MAY decide to have your parents edit only using the strategies that we conducted in class so far.

HW - due Thursday, print at home
Third Draft resolving for missing or needed details and explanations necessary to support the topic sentences of each paragraph.

Monday, November 4, 2013

HW due Tuesday - Finish typing Good Deeds Essay and Take notes on SS7 Ch2; Crash Course Dark Ages link

Good Deeds essay - due Tuesday, beginning of class completed and printed:
1. Finish typing your Good Deeds Essay, first draft.
2. Print out the essay, double spaced.
3. Don't forget the word count range is at least 300 words. It may be more than 500 words, but that word count is a suggested limit.

Read and take notes on SS7 Ch2 - Click here for details

Link for Crash Course Dark Ages as shown in class...

Notes from Introduction to the Middle Ages here