Rodgers Homepage

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Finish writing first draft of your Good Deeds essay

Here is a brief (general) outline of paragraphs, as discussed in class:

1. Thesis and Intro (what is this essay covering, topic wise per paragraph)
2. A good deed that was meaningful for you - explain details and personal meaning
3. A good deed that was meaningful for Stargirl - explain details and SG's personal meaning
4. Why do people do good events - what are the short-term and long term effects of your personal AND SG's good deeds
5. What would the world be without good deeds
6. Conclusion - Why do people do good deeds. Include a gem or insight that you were saving until the end that gives the reader a clear understanding of your answer as covered in your essay.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Work due this week 1022 - 1025

Decline of Rome EQ

1. Roman Map
2. Journal - Discuss three good deeds from your project (200 word min)
3. Thesis Statement for SG Good Deeds Essay

1. Write two more EQs for Chapter 1, each about the big idea from other sections. After you write the question, then list three points minimum of explanation or information that you can use to answer the question from the text. (See below for instructions for writing EQ questions)

2. Finish SG and taking all notes

1. Book Jacket for Outside Reading Project

Information: Writing EQs Directions:

EQ question format: Asks a big question about a process, sequence of events, or major idea. Usually starts with 'Explain, why, how..."

4 - 5 sentences.
Explain the concept of the question (decline of Rome)
Give 2 examples or elements of evidence (that explains why Rome declined)

In class activities about Rome...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Roman Empire Map directions and materials

click here for the directions

HW Due Friday

1. Finish inking Roman Empire map - boundaries and labels. Do not color. Bring your map.
2. Bring colored pencils to class.
3. Finish sketch of book jacket started in class.
4. Bring Roman notes to class - we will continue working on the EQ activities in class.

Due Th: EQ Question about Ch 1 pages 8 - 9

Answer the following EQ question based on pages 8-9 in the SS7 Text:
Explain the decline of the Roman Empire.

EQ question format:
4 - 5 sentences.
Explain the concept of the question (decline of Rome)
Give 2 examples or elements of evidence (that explains why Rome declined)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

HW due Wed and Thurs this week

Social Studies due Wed and Thursday:
Read SS7 Ch 1 - due Wednesday.

Here is the SS7 work due Thursday.

LA7 Homework due Wed and Thursday:
Bring your outside reading novel and all Stargirl materials to class - due Wednesday.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Be prepared for the Gladiator games on Monday, where knowledge is your survival.

If you do not feel prepared, this weekend students should study from their Roman Chapter and group notes so that you are prepared to win as a team.

Ascending Events in SG up through Ch 25

Here are the notes from today's discussion.

Spoiler Alert - the Climax to the book is coming up soon. If you want to read to find out what it is, keep reading.

EQ Question - how to write and answer an EQ question from assigned readings

Students will be required to write EQ questions and answer them appropriately for a variety of readings and activities throughout the year. This will help develop conceptual thinking that focuses on evidence from the reading or activity to support student explanations.

EQ (Essential Question) - a question that asks a complex question that requires a detailed answer that include all of the following elements in a paragraph between 4 - 6 sentences.

1. an explanation of the major concept, event, or historical contributions of a person in relation to the question.
2. uses 2 - 3 examples or pieces of evidence found in the reading, text, or activity that supports the explanation of the major idea of the question.
3. uses and defines key terms found in the reading or activity that relate to and add to an understanding of the main concept.
3a - The definitions are not given directly, but instead the term is used in such a way by the writer that it is clear that the writer understands the meaning and appropriate usage of the terms as part of their answer.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

Survey emails will not be accepted after 9:30 pm 10/7/13. Survey submissions will be counted after 12 am, the beginning of 10/8/13.

Just so you know...

Also, in order to get credit for taking the survey, students MUST give their name in the appropriate field at the end of the survey.

- Mr. R

LASS7 Homework this work and due Tuesday, 10/8

Due - Detail
1008 - Read and take notes on SG Chapter 19-21
1008 - World Maps completed - due at the beginning class
1008 - Bring outside reading novel to class
1009 - Check good deeds (Random Acts Project) for two days complete
1009 - SG Quiz through Ch 21
1010 - Roman Presentations activity
1010 - IN CLASS - writing assessment
1011 - In class Roman assessment - Gladiator

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Random Acts of Kindness Project (related to Stargirl) - Started 10/7 - due Friday, 10/18

This page of directions will be discussed in class on Monday, 10/7.

The Random Acts of Kindness Project takes the idea that other people can do things like Stargirl, from the novel that we are currently reading.

We will keep track of ten days of Random Acts of Kindness.

Here is the form to keep track of your ten days of Kindness (you must be signed in to your lcm account to access):
Page One - start here
Pages two and on - print as many as you need.

Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness:
There are several ideas that we can glean from the novel itself. There are also plenty of other great ideas found on the Actiontracker website, which was the basis for a middle school wide project in Bristol, England.
Every culture has a set of good deeds that one can do:
1. that require a person to think about others before they think about themselves.
2. that brings people together, individually or collectively as a group.
3. that the doer does not expect to be noticed, rewarded, or acknowledged, doing the act anonymously.
4. that the recipient is not someone that the doer necessarily knows at all.
5. some acts are small, but these should be acts that stretch a person's normal behaviors.
6. some acts are planned out and require considerable effort and time.
7. the acts may be unexpected or a surprise, but make sure that the act does not cross personal boundaries of the recipient as to embarrass or use excess resources that may prove costly.
8. the acts may be something that a person does from time to time, but many of the acts should be acts that the doer does not typically do, stretching the doer's personal boundaries.
9. acts should not be simple planned events that create artificial needs. For example, a doer should not ask someone to drop something so it can be picked it up.

The Actiontracker website has several great ideas to complete this project.

Stargirl’s Actiontracker list (from a class discussion last week):
1. Sings Happy Birthday to people
2. Cheers for all teams
3. Gives holiday favors to people
4. Buys random people birthday gifts
5. She cheers for or praises people
6. She plays the ukelele at lunch
7. She doesn’t lose her temper
8. She remembers people’s names
9. She sympathizes with other peoples’ losses
10. What else might Stargirl do on the website?

Some students are not using the blog... take the survey to help improve this blog

After you read this entry, take this survey to help Mr. Rodgers make this blog a better tool for success. To do this, send Mr. Rodgers an email from your school lcm account, and he will send the survey back to you. Parents can also take the survey if they use a different email account. As part of the survey, your email account will be recorded so that I may follow up if a comment needs clarification.

Just like Powerschool offers a direct way to find out every grade on graded work in a class, the blogs that I post about each class are very important to verify directions and get materials that students have either lost or cannot find.

Why must students use this blog:

To get an answer to the directions, or be able to reread the directions for an assignment.

To use those directions and materials to complete work on time.

To get links to websites or handouts that must be used in order to complete assignments or study for quizzes and tests.

The blog offers many other advantages as well. Without the blog, students will not be able to complete homework from time to time, or get a copy of a reading, or a replacement blank chart or map that is due the next day. Students must use the blog to succeed in class.

If a students is not following the blog, or reading it daily, they are not taking advantage of this line of communication to do well in class.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

HW for Wed and Thurs Night - all due Friday

Due - Detail
1003 - 1004 - Study for World Map Physical Features (both nights) test on Friday

1003 -
World Map, as in class complete the following by Thursday morning:
1. Ink mountains, rivers as discussed in class or you may follow the printed directions.

1003 -
Bring all Roman and Map materials to class

1003 -
Bring SG notes and book
Bring Story cards and notes from Wednesday's activity