Take the laws that we came up with –
1. Explain how we came up with this list
2. Interview your parents about the advantages and disadvantages of each law
3. Bullet points per each law – at least two pro and con
We will relate to the Reformation in Europe
Core One Notes
Core 1:
Four Laws that you would make everyone in Marin follow from
our list above:
All people must be physically fit – exercise,
healthy diet, weight
All food must be a product of local farms and
All people must participate in sporting
activities – submit an annual record of personal activity
All citizens of Marin must complete 17 years of
full time education
Core Two Notes
Core 2:
Laws to discuss… People should be…
Educated with 17 years of school by age…
Physically fit, healthy, and exercise so many
times a week
Environmentally friendly – recycle, conserve,
alternative energies