Rodgers Homepage

Monday, January 30, 2012

Share LASS7 First Last Google Docs Collection with Mr R DIRECTIONS

Use your Google Docs account to
1. Create a new collection "LASS7 (First and Last Name included)"
2. Share the Collection with Mr. Rodgers email collaborator -
7. Save settings.
8. Make sure the notify by email box is checked (this is the default setting), so that I get an email notifying me you have added material to the folder, and allows me to click a link to your folder with your assignment(s).

Monday, January 30 Update

In class, students were given time to work on the activities passed out on Friday with the Substitute.

During the second half of each core, we went to the library. There we made sure that there was a shared collection called
LASS7  First Last Name
for each student
that must be shared with Mr. Rodgers as an email collaborator, giving me full access to all assignments that are required to be turned in via Google Docs
This collection should have different folders for each project, regardless of the subject area in the main folder.

As the year progresses, we will turn in several assignments via Google Docs to save on paper, and allow for better peer to peer and teacher feedback during class, and in the evening.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sub Plans for 1/27/12 - If you missed directions or due dates on Friday

1. Journal - due in class, turn in on Monday if you need to write a page minimum -
Prompt (twist allowed):  "Hard work pays off because______..."

2. I-search outline of arguments - get handout here
a. fill in the form with summary sentences for each part of the thesis and each argument
b. if you can't do this of the top of your head, you may use notes to help you complete this.
c. if you can't fill in certain sentences - more research is required.
d. Due Monday if you need more research to finish

3. Story Chart - get handout here
a. fill in each section of the chart with ideas you have used so far
b. plan out the rest of your story for the parts you have not yet written
c. this is meant to help you structure your ideas - you ultimately may change your story from these ideas when you write these new sections or as you edit the story.
d. Due at end of the period.

4. Movie - Islam - write down ten notes about the movie. Turn in notes at end of the period.

See you all on Monday.

Story One - So Far - type both parts in Google Docs and Share - Due Friday Jan 27

Type and Share your two handwritten parts so far in Google Docs
1. Save the Document as Story One
2. Share with Mr. Rodgers as an email collaborator at

Review of directions:
Write two parts of a story in draft form -

Part One 
Pick a story idea from your Journal Grid. Write the beginning of a story with setting, introduce at least one character and show some element of story conflict. If you don't have the journal table, then start a new story idea

Part Two
Story Part 2 write a draft that shows conflict between the 2 main characters, show a foreshadowing event that leads up to the climax, but not the climax

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Extra Credit Option for Isearch notes

Last week, students that were ahead were given the option to earn up to 9 extra credit points for all notes earned over 20, up to 29 notes at one point per note of extra credit.

Today, in order to encourage students that did not earn extra credit already can now take care of another extra credit offer for notes above 20 up to a total of five points, one point of extra credit per note for all notes over 20 - if students did not previous earn any extra credit last week.

This offer was only made in second core - where it is due tomorrow based on the fact that a few students are already at 20 notes. This offer will be extended to Core One students, and they can earn the points by Thursday on the same terms. The extension for Core One is made since considerably fewer students had 20 notes than in Core Two today.

This week's Work Cycle - Work due Jan 31 and Feb 1

Due Date - Details
1/24 T - Story Part 2 from substitute teacher and blog directions (handwritten draft - show conflict between 2 characters, show a foreshadowing event that leads up to the climax, but not the climax)

1/25 W - 20 Isearch notes in correct format due
1/30 M - Ch 10 EQ quiz study session (prepare to answer 2 of 3 questions)
1/31 T - Ch 10 EQ quiz
1/31 T - Isearch - first argument first draft - three paragraphs minimum - explanation, examples, data (5 notes minimum to support first main argument)
2/1 W - Isearch 30 notes due (min final number)
2/1 W - Isearch complete outline due draft
2/7 W - Isearch complete first draft
2/9 Th - Isearch bibliography draft due

Notes minimum sources - 3 books, 5 articles, 11 websites minimum (articles and books can substitute number of websites downward)

Isearch notes and note table

Isearch note table format sheet

Islam Notes so far, including today's notes

Chapter 9 notes - Qur'an, Sunnah, Hadith 012412
Qur'an and Sunnah notes 011012
Qur'an defined 011012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Writing Rubric - Hall MS Grades 6 - 8

Here is the writing rubric we will be using to assess our short story progress as well as our Isearch drafts

Writing Rubric 6 - 8

Sub Plans sent at 7:05 am Monday - with comments

Based on Mr. Surbu's directions - you should bring
1. Story Planner - brainstorm answer to two questions - 3 bullet points items each question
2. Use these ideas to develop your story draft part 2 - a one page handwritten draft that attempts to incorporate some of your ideas from these two questions above - 

from in class board directions:
Assignment details in middle of board: Follow sequentially
Story planner directions (write in middle of board) - Answer these two questions in list form on a separate sheet of paper - brainstorm a list of five different items for each list.
1. What is your climax and what scenes foreshadow the impending climax? 
2. How will you show character conflict between each other before the climax?
(In class, share some story ideas and discuss answers from both of these lists after several student have finished to help others along.)

Story Draft 2 - write a page minimum to show foreshadowing events and character conflict that lead up to the climax - same edit rules as Journal - just write down ideas as the they happen.

Collected in class on Monday:
Social Studies Chapter 10 - read and write 3 EQ - Questions and Answers - Due at end of class to be collected.

Due Tuesday for HW - some class time will be given to write and share samples:1. Story Planner - collected with Story Draft Part 2 as HW
2. Story Draft Part 2 - start in class, continue for HW

Due Wednesday for HW
4. Work on I search research - note taking from computers.
5. Due Wednesday - 20 Isearch notes.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Islamic Cultural Center Field Trip - last minute reminders

1. We will be in class, for our normal schedule for periods 1/2 and in class until a few minutes before 11:00 am. Therefore, there will be time to get some work done, turn in late work, take a make up quiz if you missed one recently in first core.

2. Wear a warmer light coat. It is supposed to be the coldest day in a while tomorrow, just like Monday. We will be required to take off our shoes at the Islamic Cultural Center, so do not wear high boots or shoes with elaborate laces or fasteners. Also please wear socks.

3. Parents that are driving will meet the students on the blacktop benches on the deck where 7th grade eats lunch at 12 pm. Parents that are driving are also invited to attend the 11:00 am speaker in the Hall Library if they can make it.

4. We will be seated on the floor in the Islamic Cultural Center, so wear clothes that allow you to sit in a comfortable position for at 90 minutes.

5. If your parent is driving, think about that one person that you would like to be in the car with you. I will fill the rest of each car semi randomly.

See you tomorrow,

- Mr. Rodgers

Some suggestions for Isearch Pitch - Lead plus Prospectus due Thursday

1. Do not use words like: bad, good, nice, immoral as adjectives to describe your topic
example: Gun Control is bad; or a bad idea, immoral, nice, etc.

2. Except for the lead sentence, do not use the pronouns - I, you, we, us, in your essay.
example: I feel that...; We all agree...; You should understand the facts; We should not pass laws that...

3. Except for the lead sentence, do not use examples, data, explanations to back up an argument in the introduction. Save examples, data, explanations for the Body of the essay to support your arguments.

4. Do not use solutions to solve the issue as arguments to support the thesis. Solutions may be used at the end of the essay, after the conclusion in the last paragraph - unanswered questions, areas not examined, what is the future of this issue, and solutions for the problem.

5. Make sure that the introductions starts with a thesis statement followed by three summary arguments that support the thesis statement - four to six sentence max.

6. Make sure your introduction has a clear thesis statement that takes a clear position on one side of the issue.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Isearch Paper Structure and Reference minimums

The half outline due on Jan 19 should cover the topic as researched so far through the second argument or first six to seven paragraphs as detailed in this handout:

Isearch paper structure

Also, since some topics are more current, there may be limited books on some topics. Students should consult with Mr. Rodgers about how to work around this if books are not available at the Hall or Corte Madera Libraries.

Stations the week after Winter Break

Stations Sheet - all due on January 19

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tonight's HW - due Wednesday

Read the attached handout for directions. Create four leads with at least three different types of leads total. Pick one and rewrite it with more sensory details.

Lead Handout

SS7 Chapter 9 - notes from today

Koran and Sunnah

New stations due Wednesday, Jan. 18

Due Date - Details
01/11 - Write 4 leads for Isearch - Pick one and improve it
01/13 - 5 more complete Isearch notes in format - show 10 minimum
01/13 - Field Trip Persmission slip absolutely due, last day
01/17 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
01/17 - Tuesday Field Trip
01/18 - Stations Due:
1. SS Ch9 with note table (min 1 square of notes per section)
2. Isearch Pitching Contest - Lead, Thesis and Intro Paragraph. Practice presentation to sell your Isearch idea. Contest will be in class.
3. Journal - Pick a story idea from your Journal Grid. WRite the beginning of a story with setting, introduce character and show conflict of story

Thursday, January 5, 2012

MLA reference for a book with an editor credited instead of an author

Controversial issue books, especially the ones found in the library, for example, titled "The Death Penalty" is a collection of separate articles or chapters written by different authors on the topic.

MLA Format:

Last, First of Article Author. "Title of Article or Chapter." Title of Book. Ed. First Last. City, State: Publisher, date of copyright. pages of article.

Darwin, Charles. "Among the Fuegians." The Greatest Exploration Stories Ever Told. Ed. Darren Brown. New York, NY: Harper, 2003. 108 - 118.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stations the week after Winter Break

Station Sheet,
Isearch Note Format,
Islam Notes #2

Due this week and next (updated 010512):
Due Friday
1. EQ 8 - 3 QA (How, Why type questions) - Study Guide discussion in class
2. Spelling Contract Unit 7 complete - to be corrected in class
3. Fact v Opinion 3-27, 3-28 - Discussion about activity

Due Monday
1. Spelling Test unit 7. Contract collected when done.
2. Re typed Poem #1 from Karen.
3. 5 Isearch notes due

Due Tuesday
1. EQ8 Quiz in class.