Rodgers Homepage

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Stations this week - Updated due dates

Here are the stations and the due dates for each assignment:

Station - Due - Details
1 - 1202 F - SS read Ch 6 and take notes on 8 dates from the reading - 5 pt
CHANGED 1 - 1208 Th - Quiz on Ch 6 and class notes - 25 points

CHANGED 2 - 1202 F - Idea Benchmark papers, 2 sided. Using the Idea Rubric grade both short essays on all four elements of the rubric. Also, underlines at least four lines from each essay that is evidence for the rubric score you think the essay deserves for a specific element of the rubric. 10 points.

CHANGED - 3 and 4 - 1129 T and 1205 M - Work on Rough Draft - pencil only (due 1129) and Final Draft of Star Girl comics. 16 panels, colored, zoom in to show details, fill the space, ink or typed text (10 - 20 words max), the panels should stand alone to tell the story without any knowledge of the novel.

5 - ongoing - Organize Journal folder. Pull journal assignments from work folder. Put them in order by date, oldest one in front. Create a Journal Folder table of contents, organized by date. Use the journal prompts of first lines as titles for each journal.

CHANGED - Also, Stargirl book test on Monday, 1206. Book notes (20 points) will be collected the day of the test.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Stargirl Study Guide - Ch 15 - 26 Quiz, Friday, 111811

Study Guide Handout.

The quiz will be the same format as the last SG quiz - 20 total points: 10 MC, 5 Fill-in, Answer one short essay from two choices.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stargirl Rough Draft 16 panel comic strip Book Project - DATES Changed to later due dates

Here are the materials you need to complete the StarGirl book project

The Rough Draft version is due 11/28 worth 10 points
The Final Draft version is due 12/2 worth 30 points

Stargirl Comic Directions
Stargirl 8 panel for final draft - gray borders

Don't forget the Stargirl Ch 15 - 26 quiz is this Friday - 11/18 worth 15 points
The Stargirl Test on the entire book is on 12/5 worth 30 points

Study Guide for Rome Quiz 2 on Next Tuesday - Nov 22, 2011

Here are notes and suggestions that must be used to study for questions that will appear on the Rome Quiz 2 worth 30 points.

Study Guide - Rome Quiz 2
Chapter 2 notes

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

End of Trimester One Work schedule - no stations this week.

This week we are wrapping up a couple of different running assignments in class, and trying to guarantee that all students get this week to turn in any late or missing assignments and resolve questions that may occur with their individual assignments grades for this trimester.

As such, several students have found missing assignments that they completed in their binders, and have turned them in. Likewise several students have presented grade sheets and graded work that may have been recorded incorrectly in the grade book. Students have followed the procedures to fix grades, grade sheet in hand with the necessary evidence - the assignment in question to solve questions about their grade.

Here is the work schedule for the upcoming two weeks:
Nov 16 - 21 - Gladiator Roman Quiz Test Preparation
Nov 16 - Gladiator Study Teams formed
Nov 17 - Library 2/4 period
Nov 18 - Last Day to turn in ANY late work by 3:05 (given personally to Mr. Rodgers only)
Nov 18 - StarGirl Quiz Ch 15 - 26 - 20 pt
Nov 18 - Theater Lesson Periods 2/3
Nov 21 - StarGirl 16 panel comic sketch due - 10 pt
Nov 22 - Roman Quiz #2 - 30 pt
Nov 30 - StarGirl 16 panel comic final draft due - 30 pt
Dec 2 - StarGirl Book Test
Dec 7 - Roman Unit Test (Chapter 1, 2, 6 and notes) 40 pt

Stations will resume next week.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Station Sheet - Week ending on Monday 11/14

The Journal was due on Th 11/10. All students shared a selected "headline" from their journal entry in class. We will use student headlines as randomly assigned writing prompts in the near future.

All other station work is due on Monday. 
1. Spelling Contract Unit 5, with test; 
2. 10 Roman Event summaries (3 bullet points each event) with a 3 reference bibliography (two books minimum). Students were given over 45 minutes to share up to six events (i.e. one event by each student in each group equals 5 events, to start) in class this past week. 
3. Movie Poster was turned in on Wednesday 11/9 - based on the first outside reading novel this trimester.

Also, Thursday's journal assignment was the last assignment recorded for the first trimester, which officially ends on 11/18. This coming week, students will have the entire week to turn in any missing work, identify no named assignments, find complete and incomplete work in their binders and make corrections to any grades entered incorrectly.

All new work turned in this coming week counts towards second trimester grades.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Preliminary Poetry Reading Video - Part One

If you would like to see some of your classmates readings from last weeks poetry reading,

Use your google account to access the shared link:

Poetry Video 1

This video will be further edited. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Late and Makeup work received will be added to Powerschool on Friday, Nov 4

Updating eminent. Several assignments are graded and will be posted Friday.

If you have any late or missing assignments listed by this weekend, then students have next week to fix the problem.