Rodgers Homepage

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tonight's HW - due Friday

1. Figure out a 3 - 4 sentence summary for your Current Event. Include:
a. where
b. important event
c. Reason of importance
- This will help you participated and complete the Current Events Scavenger hunt efficiently.

2. Practice reading out loud one of your Karen poems, the older poem from November, or a solid paragraph from a journal of your choice. We will share these in class. This will not be filmed and will be graded on a 5 point scale - 5: Excellent, 4 - Good, 3 - Average, 2 - just read off the page...

You will turn in the Current Event writeup with attached article and the typed Karen Poem on Friday.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Study Guide for Chapter 6 Quiz on Friday, 120911

Study Guide

Station Work - Due Dec 15, Thursday

Handouts -
1. Station Sheet

2. Current Event - use assigned station group number for the topic at the top of the form

3. Journal 3x4 Grid - pick four well written journals that you liked from class so far this year, and come up with a story idea, a poem idea and a personal essay topic for each journal.

Grammar 32, 33, 34, 35 - in class - developing topic sentences and thesis statements (20 - 30 minutes of work) - excellent exercises to develop I-search prospectus

Monday, December 5, 2011

LASS7 Rodgers overview of the next two weeks to be posted on Tuesday

Get ready...

Stargirl Test Tuesday - Study Guide...

Tonight, study for the Stargirl Test on tomorrow, Tuesday. Use all of your notes, Stargirl comics and both quizzes that we have previously taken to study.

Also, use this Study Guide, presented in class today.

Lastly, bring all of your Stargirl assignments, activities and notes to class tomorrow to be collected.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Stargirl Comics Update - due Monday in class

Over the past week, during stations and work time, students have been given over two hours and 20 minutes to work solely on the Stargirl final comic. At the beginning of class today, about 1/4 of all students completed the final product. Many students were close to finishing at the end of class today, with about 30 minutes to an hour of work still left to do over the weekend.

I hope to see some great Comics this Monday. Have a great weekend.

Byzantine Empire - part 2 notes 120211

Here are the notes: Notes

from todays lecture about Justinian.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Stations this week - Updated due dates

Here are the stations and the due dates for each assignment:

Station - Due - Details
1 - 1202 F - SS read Ch 6 and take notes on 8 dates from the reading - 5 pt
CHANGED 1 - 1208 Th - Quiz on Ch 6 and class notes - 25 points

CHANGED 2 - 1202 F - Idea Benchmark papers, 2 sided. Using the Idea Rubric grade both short essays on all four elements of the rubric. Also, underlines at least four lines from each essay that is evidence for the rubric score you think the essay deserves for a specific element of the rubric. 10 points.

CHANGED - 3 and 4 - 1129 T and 1205 M - Work on Rough Draft - pencil only (due 1129) and Final Draft of Star Girl comics. 16 panels, colored, zoom in to show details, fill the space, ink or typed text (10 - 20 words max), the panels should stand alone to tell the story without any knowledge of the novel.

5 - ongoing - Organize Journal folder. Pull journal assignments from work folder. Put them in order by date, oldest one in front. Create a Journal Folder table of contents, organized by date. Use the journal prompts of first lines as titles for each journal.

CHANGED - Also, Stargirl book test on Monday, 1206. Book notes (20 points) will be collected the day of the test.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Stargirl Study Guide - Ch 15 - 26 Quiz, Friday, 111811

Study Guide Handout.

The quiz will be the same format as the last SG quiz - 20 total points: 10 MC, 5 Fill-in, Answer one short essay from two choices.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stargirl Rough Draft 16 panel comic strip Book Project - DATES Changed to later due dates

Here are the materials you need to complete the StarGirl book project

The Rough Draft version is due 11/28 worth 10 points
The Final Draft version is due 12/2 worth 30 points

Stargirl Comic Directions
Stargirl 8 panel for final draft - gray borders

Don't forget the Stargirl Ch 15 - 26 quiz is this Friday - 11/18 worth 15 points
The Stargirl Test on the entire book is on 12/5 worth 30 points

Study Guide for Rome Quiz 2 on Next Tuesday - Nov 22, 2011

Here are notes and suggestions that must be used to study for questions that will appear on the Rome Quiz 2 worth 30 points.

Study Guide - Rome Quiz 2
Chapter 2 notes

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

End of Trimester One Work schedule - no stations this week.

This week we are wrapping up a couple of different running assignments in class, and trying to guarantee that all students get this week to turn in any late or missing assignments and resolve questions that may occur with their individual assignments grades for this trimester.

As such, several students have found missing assignments that they completed in their binders, and have turned them in. Likewise several students have presented grade sheets and graded work that may have been recorded incorrectly in the grade book. Students have followed the procedures to fix grades, grade sheet in hand with the necessary evidence - the assignment in question to solve questions about their grade.

Here is the work schedule for the upcoming two weeks:
Nov 16 - 21 - Gladiator Roman Quiz Test Preparation
Nov 16 - Gladiator Study Teams formed
Nov 17 - Library 2/4 period
Nov 18 - Last Day to turn in ANY late work by 3:05 (given personally to Mr. Rodgers only)
Nov 18 - StarGirl Quiz Ch 15 - 26 - 20 pt
Nov 18 - Theater Lesson Periods 2/3
Nov 21 - StarGirl 16 panel comic sketch due - 10 pt
Nov 22 - Roman Quiz #2 - 30 pt
Nov 30 - StarGirl 16 panel comic final draft due - 30 pt
Dec 2 - StarGirl Book Test
Dec 7 - Roman Unit Test (Chapter 1, 2, 6 and notes) 40 pt

Stations will resume next week.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Station Sheet - Week ending on Monday 11/14

The Journal was due on Th 11/10. All students shared a selected "headline" from their journal entry in class. We will use student headlines as randomly assigned writing prompts in the near future.

All other station work is due on Monday. 
1. Spelling Contract Unit 5, with test; 
2. 10 Roman Event summaries (3 bullet points each event) with a 3 reference bibliography (two books minimum). Students were given over 45 minutes to share up to six events (i.e. one event by each student in each group equals 5 events, to start) in class this past week. 
3. Movie Poster was turned in on Wednesday 11/9 - based on the first outside reading novel this trimester.

Also, Thursday's journal assignment was the last assignment recorded for the first trimester, which officially ends on 11/18. This coming week, students will have the entire week to turn in any missing work, identify no named assignments, find complete and incomplete work in their binders and make corrections to any grades entered incorrectly.

All new work turned in this coming week counts towards second trimester grades.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Preliminary Poetry Reading Video - Part One

If you would like to see some of your classmates readings from last weeks poetry reading,

Use your google account to access the shared link:

Poetry Video 1

This video will be further edited. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Late and Makeup work received will be added to Powerschool on Friday, Nov 4

Updating eminent. Several assignments are graded and will be posted Friday.

If you have any late or missing assignments listed by this weekend, then students have next week to fix the problem.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

LASS7 Station Sheet - Due 11/4 and 11/7

Station Sheet
Movie Poster for Outside Novel

Reminder - Short Report Due Tuesday (format on the station sheets for last week and this week):
Typed, 12 pt, standard font
Double Spaced
one page of notes from two books minumum
two book sources minimum must be included in a typed bibliography

EQ1 Notes from Friday - taken in class Core 1/2


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Journal Entry due 10/27/11

Prompt - Write a journal entry in the voice of a character from Stargirl. (No twist, but you may only choose a character). The topic may cover a ideas from the novel, but may also be about your daily life in that characters voice.

Stargirl Quiz 1026, EQ Questions for 1028 Quiz, Short Report Assignments

text in different colors link to document described

Stargirl - Review your chapter notes, and ALL class notes about:
1. Foreshadowing of key events from Chapters 1-6 and 7-14 from class activities, discussions and notes (attached below)
2. Chapter 7 - 14 Discussion Notes (from 102511)
3. Chapter 1 - 6 Discussion Notes
The quiz on Wednesday will have 15 multiple choice, matching and fill-in the blank questions, all worth one point each and 1 short essay questions worth 5 points each.

EQ Chapter 1 Questions - Two written questions in paragraph form due Thursday in class. The Quiz, on Friday requires that students answer 3 of the 4 questions given. We will have our second study session for the quiz on Thursday.

Roman Short Report Assigned Topics per student - DUE Nov 1, Tuesday
Core 1, Core 2

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week of 102811

Docs -
Stations Sheet 102811

Roman Short Report Assigned topics student list Core 1 - if you were absent get a topic ASAP

Roman Report Format - Due 11/01/11, Tuesday, Typed - with page of notes from 2 - 3 books and bibliography

EQ1 Notes from Core 2 from 10/24/11 Discussion

EQ Quiz process steps outline - Students create their own quiz for this Friday, 10/28/11

Monday, October 17, 2011

Roman Map Directions

Roman Map -
1. Read the Map Assignment Guidelines Sheet first.
2. Draw the pencil outlines of all of the Roman Provinces onto the final copy Roman Outline Map provided. Make sure the right proportions and shapes are used to transfer the boundaries correctly.
3. Ink the lines using your fine sharpie.
4. Mark the City of Rome on the map.
5. Label each province. Label all other areas of the map that are not part of the Roman Empire.
5a. If the name cannot fit into the area of a province, then write the label in a larger open space nearby. 5b. All labels drawn outside a province should be either vertical or horizontal to the page, most being horizontal.
5c. Some label may follow the shape of the province, but use vertical or horizontal labels inside a province when possible.
6. Color each province using colored pencil. Use about 8 different colors. Avoid black or white. No two nearby provinces should be the same color, or closely shaded color (no blue and forest green for example). Colors of each nearby province should be a dramatically different color (Red and Blue are very different).
6a. Only color Roman Provinces. Do not color parts of the final map that are not part of source map.

Sample Map:

Journal Entry due 10/21/11

Journal Entry (choose):
Make a list of Common Expressions that you say to other people. Explain when you use some of these expressions. Tell a story where you have used one of your expressions. How do people react to your best expressions?


What is the most important Ancient contribution that affects my life?

Handouts for Week ending 102111

Stations Sheet
Map Assignment Guidelines
Roman Outline Map
Roman Provinces - Color - from Internet

Thursday, October 13, 2011

MayanQuiz #2 Study Guide, Quizzes and work due

Here are today's Mayan Quiz #2 Study Guide notes.

Tomorrow, Friday, October 14 -
Ch 23 Mayan Quiz #2 - 10 MC questions - based on Study Guide #2 and other class notes and the chapter.

Grammar Quiz - ID parts of speech from a Shel Silverstein Poem (Pretest, but the grade counts - 10 pts - to be curved)

Also Due:
Typed Poem - second draft. First Draft must be turned in or 5 points are lost out of 20. All poems must show some improvements from Student Workshop at this week's Station 3.

Ch 23 - Four colored panels - see station sheet and class notes for more information.

Journal - Waking or sleeping rituals and habits.

Painted Maps are now 20% late if not completed. Only five students came in on Tuesday lunch, and two came in on Wednesday lunch. About 10 students in both cores are not complete. There will about 20 - 30 minutes for some students to work on maps at back of room on Friday after quizzes.

Three groups will present their calendar presentations tomorrow - Muslim (Core 2 only), Jewish and the differences between Julian and Gregorian Calendars.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Spelling Test Unit 3 and Mayans Ch 23 Quiz Friday. All work collected Friday.

Here are notes to help study for the Mayan Quiz tomorrow.

All question can be taken directly from the book, where more information exists in addition to the class notes, which are largely an overview so far.

Notes from 100511 - first Mayan overview
Notes from 100611 - includes format of Mayan Quiz
Calendar Notes - study for EQ question part of quiz

Here are the two EQ questions from a Stations Sheet from two weeks ago - you must answer one on Friday's quiz:

1. How did the Mayan Calendar work?
2. Explain the class structure of Mayan Culture.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Substitute Plan - All students must follow

Substitute Plan 10/4/11

Station Work Schedule for work due 10/07/11

Stations Sheet 100711

Notes about Yesterday (poem) by WS Merwin

Yesterday by WS Merwin

Poetry Process notes

Mayan Quiz and Spelling Test Unit 3 on Friday
Spelling Contract Due on Thursday
Student written Poem due Friday
Typed Writing Assessment due Wednesday - NO parent editing should occur. Students are responsible to show their own, best editing effort.

100711 Station assignment notes – from in class discussion:
1.     Poetry Assignment:
a.     Write a poem that using dialogue between two people
b.     Pick and focus on a very specific topic using the One Inch Picture Frame
c.      The poem should force the reader to identify feelings, senses and/or emotions that are demonstrated in the poem
d.     12 lines minimum, most likely 20 – 30 lines

2.     Calendar Activity –
a.     Each group member must take bullet point notes that cover
                                               i.     the major traits of the assigned calendar, and
                                              ii.     contrast it with our current 365 ¼ day Solar Calendar.
                                            iii.     What are the major cycles of each calendar.
                                            iv.     How often do the lunar calendars match up with the solar calendars.
                                              v.     How is the first day of each month computed.
                                            vi.     Important holidays – New Year, Month long, Spring, Fall, Winter, etc.
                                           vii.     Define other important features of the calendar.
                                         viii.     ALL GROUPS print max a different article per member and USE BOOKS and textbooks

b.     Station Groups – Research the following calendar
                                               i.     Three – Mayan
                                              ii.     Four – Islam
                                            iii.     Five – Chinese
                                            iv.     One – Jewish
                                              v.     Two – Gregorian and Julian Calendar differences and when adopted

3.     Study for Mayan Test
a.     Know all key terms – highlighted in text
b.     Be able to explain each section header
c.      Study drawings and illustrations
d.     Study and quiz your team members

4.     Type Writing Assessment in Google Docs and Share link to

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week of 092811 - Three Day Week

This week is a three day week. Two in class assignments are due this week that must be completed as homework:
1. Journal with notes from six word memoir card - 10 points for Journal and 5 points for brainstorm from card (Due Tuesday at beginning of class).
2. Mayan Class Structure Activity based on last week's notes (Due Wednesday in class).

In class, we will be working on the following this week:
1. Paint World Maps - several students are close to finishing, a few still need to ink before painting.
2. Star Girl - Read new novel in class, starting with books on tape version this week.
3. Rewrite Writing Assessment (in class rewrite only) - Tuesday and Wednesday. Due Wednesday at end of class.

Above all, students must resolve any late or missing assignments reported in Power School this week, since Progress Reports for grades at or below a C - will be mailed out next week. Students will be given time to meet with Mr. Rodgers during work sessions in class each day.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fixing Late and missing assignments in LASS7

Several students have turned in late or missing assignments after receiving grade sheets this Monday and graded work posted on the grade sheet. Students were directed to verify the recorded grades on all assignments, find recording errors or omissions from work passed back. Assignments that received zeroes for grades on are the responsibility of each student to meet with Mr. Rodgers, during class work sessions, during class or after school. Lunch time and SSR appointments are possible if scheduled in advance with Mr. Rodgers to turn in work, get missing materials necessary to complete assignments and discuss grade issues. In all cases, students are highly encouraged to be proactive with their grades and turn in late work as soon as possible since late work penalties accrue every day the student is at school.

I also want to encourage parents to discuss their son or daughter's grades when reviewing PowerSchool. It is very important that parents not only review overall class grades, but also examine the assignment grades for each class to find out how grades are computed. In LASS7, all class grades are based on a 90 - 80 - 70 percent straight scale, by adding all points earned divided by total points possible. This calculation is computed by PowerSchool.

PowerSchool does show a letter grade for each assignment, but for all intents and purposes these letter grades have little bearing on the final class grade. If a student earns a three on a five point assignment, losing two points possible, and the letter grade shows a 60%D, students and parents should not be alarmed, but instead should ONLY refer to the final class grade.

Parents and students alike that are earning a low grade, should first turn in missing work before wondering why the grade is otherwise so low. If this is a pattern on the student's part, then I will definitely work with the student and the parent to get the missing work taken care of. It is no surprise, however, that a student that is missing several assignments in PowerSchool that the final grade will be low and most likely below the student's full potential.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Intro to Stargirl and Plot Chart notes

Plot chart discussion notes.

Students must take projected notes in class during presentations. Student notes are due at the end of each unit and are graded as a packet for quality and quantity.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week of September 19 - 23, 2011

Stations Sheet, Sept. 23

This week in LASS7 -
1. Discuss Mayan Class structure, Calendar and Artifacts found at the De Young Museum permanent Mesoamerican Collection.
2. Writing - Six Word Memoir exercise (to be used for future, student generated journal prompts) and a journal (a time you gave or received HELP)
3. Water Color World maps are finally ready for painting this week, and two stations are dedicated to this process.
4. Poetry recitation will be finished by Wednesday.
5. Grammar quiz on Friday, following activity with types of sentences.
6. Beginning of our first class novel, Stargirl, with plenty of literature concepts to help understand the structure of the novel (and out six word memoirs). This novel is an excellent fictional memoir, character driven plot line, that allows for several writing extensions with many twists and surprises along the way.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Grades Posted for almost all assignments. Fixing missing assignment grades.

Almost all students have started off on the right foot, doing their best work, participating in class activities and turning in homework on time. Most students are well organized.

Some assignments may show a zero - that assignment was most likely not turned in to me. I use zeroes for all missing assignments, regardless of the reason to guarantee that students will act to fix the zero.

Please read my advice and policies handout for Fixing Zeroes in Powerschool.

As always, if you have questions or concerns, please send me an email.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Homework for tonight, Tuesday

Two written assignments from stations will be checked tomorrow for five points as being on track with the weekly assignment list. Most students reported that they have already finished one assignment. Each class was given enough time between Monday and Tuesday for some students to complete the work at each station. As a class, we had about 20 - 25 minutes for each station, two on Monday, and two on Tuesday.

Incomplete station work from class becomes homework each evening.

Monday, September 12, 2011

LASS7 - Week of Sept. 12 - 16

Weekly Stations Sheet - includes the three Essential Questions

A copy of the the Robert Haas Poem is available here for the class assignment.

Poetry Literature Response Questions

Due Dates -

Journal is due on Thursday, Sept. 15
All other work is due Friday, except the final map.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

LASS7 - Week of Sept 6 - 9, 2011

Station Sheet - assignments list

Story assignment details from character cards

Speaking Rubric - to be used for Poetry Reading AND for story telling assignment

Journal Rubric to be used to grade journals

Painted World Map Sequence - refer to the second half of this page for directions of the final 12x18 painted map.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Labor Day off this Monday, Back to School Night this Thursday.

This coming week is a four day week. As a result of the shortened week, we will engage in assignments that are more active this week in stations. As such, we have several activities that are hands on, and either need students to focus on artistic technique for our water colored world map, or practice public speaking strategies when they present their first selected poem to the class.
Besides that, students will use excerpts from last week's journal (Three Friends on a deserted island - who and why) to tell a story about how a character description, randomly assigned from a classmate's journal, will be the main protagonist needed to save the day in a story outlined, and told by each student. Students will work with story building ideas (setting, plot, conflict, climax, resolution), outline a basic storyline and tell their stories to their group. The groups will discuss the stories, make suggestions, and tell their stories in order to decide which story was interesting and was presented in an engaging manner. This activity will culminate in a class-wide story telling round, where the best story from each group, chosen jointly by the group and Mr. Rodgers, will be presented and judged by the entire class.
It should be a great week. Of course, there will be five stations, with extra time for painting and practicing poetry and story telling.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reminder - Two completed station assignments due on Wednesday

To make sure that all students are pacing themselves in class during work sessions and working on uncompleted work at home every night, two assignments will be checked off as completed at the beginning of class on Wednesday.

Blank World Map to quiz yourself when you study for Thursday's Geo Quiz

Blank World Map

Monday, August 29, 2011

Quizzes this week in LASS7 - Rodgers

Thursday - Geography Quiz, 20 points. Study each night. Focus on the places you do not know. Spelling counts.

Friday - Grammar timed activity. Identical in nature to the station worksheet this week, except the activity is timed.

Label all assignments with the Friday date the work is due

All work this week, that is due Friday should have the date September 2, 2011 as the date in each Hall Header.

Poetry can be found at these great sites

If you didn't find an adult contemporary or classic poem in class, you are encouraged to use these sites to find a poem and then type it. You cannot use poetry written specifically for children. The poem must be a minimum of 12 lines long.
The format should have the title of the poem, next line by author's name. Then the poem single spaced. At the end of the poem, next line type: typed by your first and last name. 18 pt type.

Poetry Foundation
Famous Poets and Poems

Please bookmark these links for future reference.

You may cut and paste the poem from the website, but then format the poem as above. This typed poem was from last week's station cycle, and is the same poem you will use to write a poetry review piece in class in our stations this week.

Journal Prompt, Poetry Response guidelines, Geographic terms handouts

The Journal Prompt this week, twist if necessary: "Describe and tell why you would pick three friends you would want with you if you were stuck on a deserted island."

Follow these Guidelines for Journals:

Poetry Response assignment guidelines.

Geographic terms and labelled world map.

Blog required homework due Wednesday.

Blog required homework.
If your last name starts with the following letter - then do the following homework assignment due Wednesday. The questions and answers should be written on a piece of notebook paper or typed. The answers should be no longer than about 40 words each max.
A - G: 
1. Ask a parent or adult at least 20 years old to define history.
2. Have them explain one culture or civilization they remember. What was one thing that was important about that culture according to them. What grade did they study this culture?

H - P:
1. Ask a parent or adult at least 20 years old to explain how current events relate to history. 
2. Have them explain how an important world event that happened in their lifetime was viewed at the time and how that view may have changed over time.

Q - Z:
1. Ask a parent or adult at least 20 years old to explain how history can help us predict the future or at least guide the present.
2. Have them explain what they can remember about the methods used to determine how history is written from their own education or personal interest.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Stations Sheet for week ending September 2, Friday.

Welcome to Week Two of school. Getting used to waking up early may be a bit better this week.

Station Sheet - Week Two

All assignments should have the due date, September 2, 2011 in the Hall Header.

Blog required homework.
If your last name starts with the following letter - then do the following homework assignment due Wednesday. The questions and answers should be written on a piece of notebook paper or typed. The answers should be no longer than about 40 words each max.
A - G:
1. Ask a parent or adult at least 20 years old to define history.
2. Have them explain one culture or civilization they remember. What was one thing that was important about that culture according to them. What grade did they study this culture?

H - P:
1. Ask a parent or adult at least 20 years old to explain how current events relate to history.
2. Have them explain how an important world event that happened in their lifetime was viewed at the time and how that view may have changed over time.

Q - Z:
1. Ask a parent or adult at least 20 years old to explain how history can help us predict the future or at least guide the present.
2. Have them explain what they can remember about the methods used to determine how history is written from their own education or personal interest.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday Night's Homework

Work on the following assingments for a maximum of 40 minutes tonight in the following order:
1. Spelling Contract
2. SS text Scavenger Hunt - answer on a sep. Sheet of paper.
3. Journal - A favorite person - twist if necessary. Journal guidelines apply

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday's HW

1. Work on your Spelling Unit 1 Contract for 20 minutes minimum.

2. Trace the coastlines of each continent 3 - 4 times on the source map.
Blank World Map

3. Journal Prompt for Station 5 - Favorite Person (Twist if necessary)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Suggestions for Spelling Contracts and Studying for Tests

Spelling Contract and Test format and suggestions

Journal Prompt 0822: Best Day of Summer

(Written and collected in class.)

Some guidelines for Journals

Day One and Homework

Tonights Homework - Due Wednesday, August 24.
1. Follow this blog with a student email - if you have an email.
2. Likewise, send Mr. Rodgers an email with your first and last name in the subject line.
3. If you do not have any type of email, please wait until tomorrow.
4. Work on the LASS7 Stations Sheet that is listed as Due Tuesday, is now Due Wednesday
   - (Bring an unread Novel to class)

Supplies (Suggested) - 7th Grade wide are due this Friday:
1. 2 x 1.5 inch binders (For LASS7, a 1 inch binder will do instead, as a substitute for one binder)
2. 12 colored pencils.
3. College Ruled Notebook paper - 200 sheet minimum. Over the year at least 400 sheets will be used school wide.
4. black and blue ink ball point pens
5. pencils, eraser, sharpener
6. scissors
7. Ruler
8. glue stick
9. 8 dividers (four per binder)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week One, Day One of School

Here is the first Weekly Station Sheet passed out in class:

Week One Station Sheet 082211

The sheet starts with a map of the room, where each group of students will work through the station activities together in class. At the end of each rotation, students that are finished should keep their completed work organized in a completed work area of their work binder. Incomplete work from a station becomes homework for that night.

All work from a station sheet is due by Friday, when it is collected. Some work has specified due dates before Friday, most typically Spelling Contracts - due Thursday so that it can be reviewed in class before the Spelling/Vocabulary Test.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The New School Year - Fall, 2011

I would like to welcome all students and parents to Language Arts and Social Studies Seventh Grade Core in our classroom, Room 601, as your teacher, Mr. Eliott Rodgers.

I know that many of us are excited for the first day of school. I am sure that we all, including myself, would love to have a few more days of summer - waking up when we want, being able to decide what we are going to do most of the time, and losing track of the days in the blaze of endless summer.

So, the first day, with a little sleep in all of our eyes, we will all be there at the first bell wondering who is in our class and how this coming year is going to turn out. I love that first day, but I too, wonder how I can help to make the year interesting, engaging and exciting. Of course, there is much to accomplish - textbooks, writing and reading, but I am most concerned with how we will work together to make the class fulfilling for each one of us each day.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, August 22, the first day of school.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer's End - August 14

The sound of an alarm clock is the first sign that summer is over. No more sleeping in and lazily traipsing around the house until 10 or 11 when I finally decide to get dressed and go to a cafe, visit a museum or get on a bus to another part of town. Watching the overcast morning transform into a sun drenched day from the living room window while drinking morning tea is definitely a luxury of summer. Waking up when it is still dark through the cracks of the bedroom blinds, six o'clock showers and finding something to wear are not part of the process that defines the summer lifestyle.

This past week I attended a Marin County Foundation Arts training, now in its third year, requiring several teachers at Hall and Neil Cummins to wake up, get dressed and attend training classes that incorporated art, theater, dance and music into hands on activities that we all could take back into the classroom. Overall, these trainings are very fulfilling because we learn by doing the activities that many of us will teach when we return.

I learned how to draw and write about an orange. That may sound like a simple description, but what came from that was a way of using art and writing together that I have not experienced before, incorporating each step of the workshop process that required an artistic activity necessary to facilitate the next step in the writing process, fostering the next artistic step, and so on. In previous years I learned a lot, and incorporated a rich artistic process into assignments, and utilized theater activities to foster better appreciation for literature. The previous years loaded me as a teacher with new tools to use with writing, but often in tandem, or as a lead in to a pure writing process, never as a new synthesis of two intertwined processes, one dependent upon the other.

So, get ready to draw an orange, and write about it as well.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer 2011, June 23

I have been taking the bus or walking to different parts of San Francisco, where I have lived for almost twenty years. I have driven through various parts of this city for years, but remarkably, have not walked in several neighborhoods that I know only through my windshield at 35 - 45 mph.

I have made it my goal to drink coffee in different parts of town everyday. After drinking the coffee, I have written very lengthy journal entries, starting with a short review of the coffee house, the neighborhood or the people that live there. Ultimately, as in any great journal, I focus on several other ideas that are triggered by the new experience, or old ideas that need re-examination that day.

Over the past two weeks, I have also been working on various projects for my classroom, from designing better rubrics, to reading short stories as well as curriculum guides in the hopes of constantly improving my curriculum.