Rodgers Homepage

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Friday work plan and Medieval Nations survey for completed work

1. Use the Medieval Nations survey HERE for completed work to report completed work so far and  every time you either complete a new assignment, or are required to report your progress.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Week of 042714 - In class activities and homework

In class Monday, 042715:

A. Watch 2 interviews on KidsInterviewBands

  • students will need headphones (box near front of desk)

B. Medieval Nations Project - picking the assignments - 3 documents to complete:
  1. As a group, examine the Project Framework HERE
C. With group -

  • Find source information, copy the web address, and take notes in shared group document
  • work on different assignments and research for the Medieval Nations Project
  • Category 1 - written assignment is due Friday

Due this week:
T, 0428 -

  • Contact with interviewee set up for interview, if not already completed - 
    • show name and email or phone number to Mr. Rodgers (evidence)
    • since last week, students should have asked parents for a possible candidate
  • Due T - Find two videos that demonstrate 
    • MediNation traditional (Medieval or historic) art, dance, music, acrobatics, martial arts, food, architecture
  • COMPLETE your homework for Monday night in THIS SURVEY HERE

W, 0429 -
Interview time and work on Medieval Nations project for 30 minutes at home

Th, 0430 -
Interview notes with 5 Question/Answers in hand

  • Handwritten notes are required at a minimum
  • Includes name, contact information - email or phone number
  • (the write-up is due next Wednesday)

F, 0501 -
MediNation Category 1 (written) assignment, typed and printed (3 paragraphs min, 300 - 400 words)

M, 0504 - 
Current event article for your MediNation
Current event article write-up FORM HERE

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Week of 042015 UPDATED

Due - Date

Due 0430 -
1. Interview must be complete with a person associated with your issue either professionally or academically.
2. The interview notes must be presented on 0430.
3. The final writeup of the interview will be presented he following week.

042115 -
1. Complete the Culminating Project Survey
2. I-search Interview:

  • Write five questions you would ask an expert about your I-search topic.
  • List five different types of people that may be an expert on this topic.


Notes HERE from mock interviews today - use these suggestions to craft your interview questions and strategy

  • Find an appropriate interview that you find interesting.
  • Write down five questions that you thought were well written or asked well.
    • Write your notes on a piece of notebook paper.
    • Title the notes - who was interviewed, when, and by whom
  • You may need to rewind a few times in order to write down each question.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

HW for 042215

Homework due Thursday:
  1. Watch the Katie Couric interview suggestions video HERE
  2. Take five summary notes on notebook paper

SUB PLAN for 042215

1. Sit in permanent assigned seats with new seating chart made on 042115.
2. Erase the center of the front board.

A. Journal (total time - 20 - 25 minutes):

  1. Each table sends one person to get notebooks for each student at their table.
  2. Write this prompt on the board:
  3. Allow students to write for 12 - 15 minutes, 200 word minimum
  4. Students may write about up to three different people
  5. Allow 3 - 5 students to summarize and share what they wrote.
  • Prompt: 
    • What would it be like to be the person I want to interview. If I wanted to interview a politician, explain how a politician thinks, why he/she would want to do an interview, and what would he/she want to make sure you knew about the issue in his/her mind.
    • What is needed to make this person feel comfortable enough to answer your questions?
    • What things do you know about this person's daily life on the job - some of the positives and the negatives?
B. Article (15 - 20 minutes):
Read the handout, Interviewing tips HERE,  as a class out loud - one student per about 1/4 - 1/3 of a page. Pay special attention to BOLD and underlined italics passages.
  1. After the class has finished reading the article, review the article for suggestions and good questions to use. Each students should NUMBER the different suggestions and questions highlighted in the article.

C. Interview activity (15 - 20 minutes):

  1. Make sure students are in groups of 3 - 4 at each desk. You may need to move a couple of students. Students that worked on the same I-search project together should NOT sit at the same table.
  2. Have students take out the homework due Tuesday - questions for their interview.
  3. Pass out the worksheet.
  4. Students should fill out the parts for their I-search topic.
  5. Each students passes the sheet and their HW questions one person to their right, who will take notes when it is their turn to be interviewed about their topic.

Homework due Thursday:
  1. Watch the Katie Couric interview suggestions video HERE
  2. Take five summary notes on notebook paper

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

SS7 Medieval Nations Project initial research

Due 042215
After you complete some initial research, each group member must find unique answers for the survey.

  1. find an important person, event, and change from your nation during the Medieval time period (1000 - 1500)
  2. record your notes AND links about each of these details in a GOOGLE DOC in your group's shared folder.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Quick Look for Culminating Project survey

Take the Culminating Project Preferences below after reading the topic description:

Select one of your choices, and look up interesting ideas about one civilization or country for both time periods:
Medieval (1000 - 1500, covering about a 300 year span of time)
Modern (1870 - current)

Here are your choices:
Your preferences will be used to group students. Each project will be completed by groups of 3 - 4 students. Most of the project is based on individual graded assignments.

Take the Culminating Project Preference Survey HERE

Look for key events, people, and developments that are of interest to you.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

I-search packets and OK books due Friday, 040915

Here are the I-search/We-search project elements, with small clarifications, due Friday:
  1. Last Draft I-search - double spaced. Title, name, stapled together.
  2. Notes in correct format template. Numbered list. Delete unanswered or unused parts of the template for each note.
  3. Bibliography - MLA format. In ABC order by author name. If there is no author for a website, alphabetize the first word of the website's title into the list. 
  4. Previously edited drafts that have notes and correction on them.
  5. At least one peer editing form.
  1. Poster or Brochure

Bring your OKAY FOR NOW book to turn in.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

No Name Timelines Core 1

If either of these are your timelines - please email me know if one of these are yours. To be sure, check power school that you do not have a zero for the Timeline Assignment:
A.                    B. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Week of 040615

Due- Date
0406 - 0410:
1. I-search presentations (random assignment of date)
2. This week if you were not randomly assigned or did not volunteer on Monday, you should practice your presentation (Presentation for this week were announced on March 30.)
3. Africa activities
4. Okay for Now group activity and wrap up

0409 -
Okay for Now, Panel 2

0410 - (see We-search tab for all I-search resources and guidelines)
Print outs of the following:
I-search Last Draft
Two previous drafts of the I-search with editing notes
One editing sheet by peer editor
Notes in correct format
Bibliography in correct MLA format

Friday, April 3, 2015

Okay for Now Open Book and note quiz


When you are finished, you should make sure
1. I-search, 3rd draft is printed - typed double spaced.
2. All of the work due this week is displayed on your table.
3. you can continue working on your Okay for Now panels
4. Work on your presentation for the I-search (but there is no talking until everyone is finished with the quiz.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sub Plans Thursday - read and follow carefully.

Hi folks -
1. All work assigned in class will be collected on Friday.
2. No Okay for Now panels work on Thursday.
3. There will class time to work on your last station work - use your time wisely.

4. Quiz on Okay for Now Chapter 9 and 10 on Friday - be prepared.
5. See previous blog for all work assigned in stations this week.
6. A total of 4 hours of class time has been provided to complete all class work. Many students between the two core classes completed 4 stations by Wednesday.

Sub Plan:

I-search and We-search presentation guidelines

Guidelines Here

Public Speaking Rubric Here used earlier this year

Public Speaking Video

Brochure or Poster Guidelines here (to be posted)

Sample brochures and posters for some sample issues: