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Monday, March 30, 2015

Week of 033015

Due - Date -
0331 -
Complete One Station (we sat at 2 on Monday)

0401 -
Complete Three Stations (we sat at 4 through Tuesday)
Next draft of I-search typed and brought to class. Double Spaced.

0402 -
Substitute - work on Station 5 in class. Complete other stations in class.
Finish I-search Bibliography in correct MLA format as discussed
0403 - All Stations due.

1. I-search dystopian story - type and edit - shared gdoc "topia(first name)"
2. Edit I-search
3. Africa Timeline
4. Okay for Now - Finish reading and take notes per chapter
5. Okay for Now Comics - Finish both

Friday, March 27, 2015

0326 Friday Activities

Today, we will complete the following activities in class.

1. Turn in this assignment not found in the notebook:

  • Arizona paragraph construction worksheet AND handwritten paragraphs (stapled)
1a. Keep for use in class today or next week:
  • Okay for Now chapter notes
  • I-search draft
  • I-search rubrics 
  • Utopian/Dystopian story sketch (stays in notebook)
  • Notes from Ch 13 and 14 to be used for next week's Africa timeline assignment
2. Use this form to edit your own I-search draft:Form here

2. Use this form to edit at least two different student I-search drafts: Short Form Here
  • Read the paper all the way through
  • Answer the questions in this survey
  • Leave up to five comments in the survey about five different parts of the paper
3. We will take a CAASPP practice test that covers Language Arts. We must learn to take this test so that we are prepared to take the new CAASPP standardized test in May.

4. When completed with the CAASPP test, you should:
  • return headphone to the box, by correctly wrapping the headphone cable around the base of the headphones
  • avoid talking with classmates until everyone has completed testing.
  • work on the following assignments or activities:
    • Editing other writer's I-search papers
    • Continue reading Okay for Now
    • Continue working on the Okay for now comic panels for your assigned chapters

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Okay for Now Quiz Friday on Chapter 8 and second draft of I-search

1. This will be a quick check in quiz - open note and book.
You will have to write a paragraph about a topic or issue from Chapter 8.

2. Read your complete first draft of your I-search and use the editing sheet passed out in class  to respond to your paper. Bring this completed response sheet to class on Friday.
Edit sheet directions for additional copies - edit sheet HERE (you must make a copy of this sheet in gdocs to use if you want an additional copy - save it in your I-search folder)

3. Most students were finished with all station work by the end of class Thursday. If you have not finished your station work, see the previous blog post for station directions.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Week of March 23: Stations and I-search

Due - Detail
0324 T -
1. Complete typed draft of I-search (all paragraphs)

0325 W -
1. 3 stations due from class activities

Stations -
Wednesday - 3 stations due
Thursday - 4 stations due
Friday - 5 stations due

1. I-search - work time individual or group: complete draft, edit, planning presentation

2. Okay for Now -
  • finish reading through Ch 8 with notes (due Friday), 
  • work on assigned chapter comics

3. Journal - explain what society would be like if your I-search thesis was applied throughout the world or society. If you answered last week's prompt about your I-search about your thesis about society or the world, then focus on how a fictional character's life is affected in this society by the thesis as law.

4. Grammar - 3-81 Developing a paragraph writing activity

5 . Ch 13 - 14 activities -

  • Chapter 14 Read 
  • Timeline notes based on Ch 13 and 14 - take notes 25 - 40 words per event
    • 5 political (kings or empire forming) events:
      • 1 - Ghana
      • 2 Mali kings
      • 2 Songhai kings
    • 3 non-political accomplishments - 1 per each kingdom minimum
      • 1 - Ghana
      • 1 - Mali
      • 1 - Songhai
    • 8 - 10 events 
    • The actual graphic timeline assignment will be assigned and completed next week.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Blog back up and running...

I checked out what was wrong... and it is fixed.

Week of 031715 and Sub Plans March 18, 2015

Due - Detail:

031815 -

Sub Plans HERE

Complete the two paragraphs - Will be verified by Google docs in I-search folder
1. Opposing Arguments explained with some evidence.
2. Rebuttal - criticize and undermine the opposing arguments and its evidence.

Follow Sub plan

Bring OK for Now to class before the bell rings.

031915 -

1. I-Search: Discussion Paragraph of conclusion section - direct the big points from arguments and evidence in the direction of the side you are ultimately taking in the final conclusion.

2. Read OK for Now for 20 minutes. Goal is to read through Chapter 8. About a fourth of the class has finished the book. Take notes on completed chapter.

Bring OK to class with your notes.

032015 -

A. Finish entire draft of I-search:
1. Conclusion Paragraph - that spells out the final judgement of the paper, with some personal reporting by the writer.
2. Unanswered Questions and related topics not discussed Paragraph - that spells out two things:
  • What related topics come up for most people when thinking of this topic, but that were not covered.
  • What evidence and information was not examined, or could not be found. 
B. Read OK for 20 minutes. Take chapter notes. Goal is to finish Chapter 8. Bring your OK book to class.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Isearch - Best Paragraphs Survey

Before you take this survey, open a separate internet browser tab, and open a copy of your latest complete draft of your I-search.

After you have open your I-search, then complete this survey HERE

This survey will help Mr. Rodgers give you quick feedback.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Africa Quiz Thursday - update

Use your current event form to find a list of all African Countries that will be on the quiz.

  • There are 26 countries listed on the current event form. 
  • There will be 20 questions from the current event list. 
  • For the other nations, there will be 3 extra credit questions that students can answer to increase their total score.
  • Each question is worth 1/2 point. There are 20 regular questions, and 3 extra credit questions.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week of 030915

DUE - Detail

Next Monday, March 16 is a non-student day. Teachers will be engaged in teacher led trainings all day.

030915 M -
In class computers - work on arguments 2 and 3.
Africa and Colonialism presentation.

031015 T -
I-search -
Second argument (2 paragraphs combining Explanation, Evidence, Example)
Third argument (1 paragraph that summarizes the 3 E's)

2. Study for Thursday's Africa Quiz - review in class on Wednesday

Read these two short articles in order to discuss each in class:
1. Rhodesian Colony gains independence - pop quiz on Wednesday about this article
2. Algerian Revolt and Independence - Read in class Tuesday (read if you were absent)

031115 W -
I-Search Note check.
Bring Print Out, double spaced copy of I-search - Hook, Thesis, 3 arguments.
In class - 9-11 presentation.

031215 Th -
Read 9-11 on the History Channel - be ready for discussion about 9-11
Africa Map Quiz

031315 F -

A. Current event form - assigned article on the form
Scavenger Hunt - in class

 B. Written piece - Interview a parent or adult that remembers the 9-11 attacks and the aftermath. Ask the following:
1. What was the day of 9-11 like - in the morning, when you found out, and by the end of the day?
2. What are some of the feelings that ran through your head in the days after 9-11?
3. In retrospect, How do you view the American response to 9-11 and current events related to 9-11?

C. In class, timed writing - answer 2 EQ questions from Chapter 13 - open note and text

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

No Jury Duty on Friday - see you then.

- Mr. Rodgers

Ok for Now due 031215 - In class comic book project

Starting March 3 students will do the following daily:

1. Bring Okay for Now daily to class
2. Read for 15 minutes silently everyday until it is completed
3. Complete summary notes - per chapter: 2 key summary points and 2 important quotes with page numbers
4. Work on the group cartoon project IN CLASS ONLY as follows:

  • divide the book up by chapters, so that each group member is assigned two different chapters
  • Draw a 6 panel cartoon for each chapter
  • color, ink, neat text, zoomed in and detailed drawings
  • each 6 panel cartoon must summarize the chapter's main points
  • text should combine narration, thought bubbles, and dialogue effectively.
  • At the end of each work session, the group work must be turned in to the teacher.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Week of 030215

Due Date - Detail:

030314 T -
1. Bring OK for Now (to read in class everyday for 15 minutes silently.

  • Work on in class activity for OK for now - Chapter 1 - 5 (see summary here live on Tuesday)
  • Use the notes sheets to summarize each chapter with two summary points of two key passage quotes with page numbers for each
2. HW due - Read SS7 Chapter 13

0304 W - HW due:
1. I-search - show 4 more research notes in the correct format (total of 14 notes) 
(in class activity - M, T)
2. SS7 Ch 13 - 3 EQ questions (how, why, explain complex concepts) with 3 item lists of data for possible answers for each.
3. Work on OK for now class activity - Due next Tuesday
4. Work on Africa Map in class (T, W)

0305 Th - HW due
1. Africa Map - 
0306 F - HW due
1. 8 new notes for I-search in the correct for mat (total of 18 notes)