Rodgers Homepage

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Don't forget two things for Wednesday... and one bonus

Due Wednesday -
1. Secret Snowball gift - write the name of the recipient on the gift and put it in the gift box when you walk in Room 601 on Wednesday.
2. QUIZ on Chapter 7 - 10 points - multiple choice questions will be drawn from sections 7.3 - 7.6
3. Earn plus 1 Extra Credit point per each assignment completed when you walk in the class -

  • current event write-up - article MUST be attached 
  • Middle Eastern Map - inked, colored, labelled, titled, master quality

Monday, December 15, 2014

Week of 121514

Due - Detail
121614 -
Bring any work due from last week and turn it in today - it will be counted on time.
When not working on other assignments we will cover the following in class:

  • Lawrence of Arabia (movie) and Orientalism
  • Arabic rhythm, music, dance

MIDDLE EASTERN MAP - step by step details given in class on 121514 
due 121614 - label all nations, seas, oceans. You may abbreviate very small (square miles) nations appropriately.
Resources - Middle Eastern map HERE, map of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia HERE

due 121914 - Map requirements  - BLANK MAP here
• use the internet to find an appropriate map - search Middle East (image) in google
• ink labels and boundaries
• color nations - even color; do not color water or unlabelled land; use different colors for adjoining nations
• title - The Middle East

QUIZ: reviewed in class on 1215 and 1216
121714 - SS7 Chapter 7 quiz - focus on landscape sections - 7.3 - 7.6

CURRENT EVENT: assigned section and covered strategies in class how to find good articles
121814 - Current Event article and writeup form HERE

121914 - Map due 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Yes - The Field Trip is on; School is open Friday

We will see everyone at school tomorrow, early and ready to go to the Asian Art Museum for a guided tour, concert, and tour of the permanent collection of Chinese and Japanese Art.

Please bring a light jacket and a bagged lunch. Do not bring a backpack. Studnets may bring a cell phone, but no one should use them in the museum during the daytime.

See you soon,
- Mr. Rodgers

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

No School on Thursday across the Bay Area, Marin, and at Hall

Based on the available weather information we will have our field trip on Friday to the Asian Art Museum.

The trip will be cancelled only if school is cancelled by the district administration.

We will see you on Friday!!!

Tonight's HW due Thursday

Make sure that you are finished with Tuesday's homework that was posted on the blog.

Short Story (in class only): 13 - Read and Two step writing process (story sketching)

In class yesterday, with the substitute teacher, and during class Wednesday:
1. We read the story Thirteen and a Half.
2. We wrote Part A and B in our notebooks, in class only:

Part A:
Choose between one of these options:
a. Write an alternative ending that changes the story and takes it in a different direction.
b. Write a scene that takes place AFTER the conclusion of the story

Requirements for Part A:

  • 200 word minimum
  • maintains the tone and voice of the original story
Part B:
Make a list of three items for each item below. Your items should be short sentences.
For the main character - Rachel or Ashley (choose one for this exercise)
  • strengths or positive traits
  • weaknesses or negative traits
  • motivations - reasons why this person does the things she does

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Homework due 121014

In class today, we continued our reading and processing of Chapter 7 in the SS7 textbook.
Directions on the board (write):
1. Using your notes from last night’s homework and the TEXTBOOK
2. Draw a filled square, closeup detail of the four different landscapes discussed in the SS7 textbook.
3. Be creative.
4. Label each square
5. Title “The Landscape of the Arabian Peninsula"
4. Homework - color and ink all drawings and text - Due Wednesday.

use this handout: 4 up diagram here

Monday, December 8, 2014

Field trip this Friday, December 12 - we need two more drivers for the morning Core class

A number of parents have volunteered to driver to the Asian Art field trip this Friday. We still need two more drivers for the morning core class - period 1/2.

If you would like to drive please send me an email at

Thank You,

- Eliott Rodgers

Week of 120814

Due - Detail

Read SS7 Ch 7 - Arabian Peninsula
For section 7.3 through 7.6
1. On a separate sheet of paper, by hand
2. Summarize each section with 3 - 4 important details

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Homework due Friday - answer three EQs


Last night for homework, each student wrote two EQ questions from their chapter, for one section.

Tonight, students must read the EQ questions on the link here arranged by chapter.
Students must select ONE EQ question that they are interested in from each chapter, except for the chapter they already read.

For each question, a student must:
1. read the section associated with that question.
2. On a piece of paper, write:

Report your Medieval EQs here

Report here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

HW for Tuesday night

Due Wednesday, Dec 3 -

1. Write 2 EQ questions with answers (in 3 bullet points) from your group (Knight, Bard, Sage, Artisan) chapter assigned.

  • Your questions can be about the section that you presented in class.
  • One question can be about the slide that you made for your presentation, such that the answer is the information found in the slide.
2. Continue practicing your Medieval class presentations and complete all Medieval assignments.