Rodgers Homepage

Monday, September 29, 2014

HW week of 092914

Due - Detail:

0930 -
1. Study for Tuesday's Geography Test - Blank Map here (download to print)
2. Record at least 5 good deeds - stamp for each student with a complete sheet so far.

1001 -
1. SG Ch 13 - 15 NQ - stamp check for all chapter notes through Ch 15.

1002 -
1. Read SS7 Chapter 1 - Pop (single question) quiz  on Thursday about a major issue from the chapter.

1003 -
1. SS7 - Write three different EQ questions, each about a different textbook section.
2. For each EQ questions, write three pieces of information that answers the question well with details from the reading.
3. We will start this in class on Thursday, and finish as HW.

4. Essential Questions Guidelines are here

5. SG 16 - 18 NQ

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Good Deeds - Daily Log

Form is here - you must download to print

Use this form to:
1. record a different good deed and the date everyday for the next two weeks, starting today.
2. some of the good deeds may be more planned out, others may be as simple as saying hello to every friend you see that day as they pass by in the halls.

Background and where we are heading with Good Deeds
Based on the homework
due 0924, explaining three good deeds in detail (see yesterday's post) and

in class 0924 - the journal (200 word min) in class - explain at least three good deeds, surprises, or special gifts that you either did for someone else or received from someone else.

In addition to reading Stargirl and tracking different good deeds, we are attempting to understand the way Stargirl looks at the world and why she does what she does. This will lead to a compare and contrast essay comparing our experience to the Stargirl's actions in the book.

We will continue reading Stargirl in class next week.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

HW due Wednesday

0924 -
1. Work on map: 20 - 30 minutes (ink, draw, label)

2. Pick 3 good deeds from last night's homework or action tracker and write a paragraph deed. Make sure each of your paragraphs explains the following information for each deed:

  • supplies and materials needed
  • How to do it
  • how it affects others

Good deeds website


Use this site to find 10 different actions - some small, some big, and some in between that you can do.

Make a list in your notebook for each size of action

Monday, September 22, 2014

Weekly Overview - 0922 - 092414

Due - Detail
0923 -

A. Write a list of 10 good deeds - see discussion notes here - Core 1, Core 2

B. Fill in the top half of the Ancient vs Modern mind map:

  • Each oval refers to one ancient civilization you studied in 6th grade
  • Each cloud is an important person, concept, or event - two details per civilization
  • HANDOUT here - you must download before printing
C. If done with the above (some finished in class), then work on your 11x17 map.

Monday, September 15, 2014

World Map Quiz Study Materials

As we work on creating our world maps, we will have two location quizzes on the map below.

The first quiz, this week, covers:
continents, oceans, and meridian lines (latitude and longitude)

The second quiz, next week, covers most seas, rivers, and mountains of cultures and regions that were covered in 6th grade and that will be covered in 7th grade Social Studies. This quiz requires all students to know the location of the entire list, but the quiz will only consist of half of the items. We will start studying this week for the second quiz. This is one of the only tests that students may take a makeup test, and use the better score of the two tests.

Labelled Map here

Geography Quiz list here

Week Overview starting 091514

Due - Details:

Note: if your parents did not complete the parent survey, please have them complete it by Wednesday night - here.

0916 - T
1. Stargirl (SG) - Read Ch 9,10 and take Notes and Quotes (NQ) form here
2. Maps - work on 8x11 world maps for 20 minutes - try to finish second pencil, freehand 8x11 map
3. Journal (200 word, no edit)- write about up to 3 nicknames you have, or wish you could be called (Journal was started in class, many finished in class)

0917 - W
1. SG - 11, 12 and NQ
2. Blank Map Quiz (2 points) - based on your map drawing practice
3. Start studying for Map quiz 1 - Handout: continents, oceans, meridians

0918 - Th
1. 11x17 map completed in pencil outline
2. SG - 13, 14 and NQ

0919 - F
1. Map Quiz part one - continents, oceans, meridians
2. Six Word Memoir activity

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday Night Homework due Friday, 091214

1. Booklet -
  • Add at least one finishing touch to your booklet from the list here
  • finish the requirements (listed on previous blog post)
2. SG - Read Ch 7/8 NQs

Today in class - 
1. Explained requirements for working computer and printer at home (except for financial difficulties)
3. Discussed progress on Booklet and the class created the finishing touches list
4. Core 1 - Student survey (and verified student emails and password)
5. Core 2 - Map Sequence

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 090814 - SG reading, accordion booklet, supplies, parent survey

Due - Details
09/09  -
1. Read Stargirl (SG)

  • chapters Prologue, 1, and 2
  • Take 3 summary notes and 3 quotes (write down first 4 words) and their page numbers PER CHAPTER
2. Read the class blog (this page)
3. Parents must complete this survey (here) this week 
4. Two entries due in the Summer vs. School accordion book (see assignment details here)

1. Read SG - chapters 3, 4 and takes NOTES and QUOTES (NQ)
2. Five entries due in accordion book

1. Read SG - chapters 5,6 and NQ
2. Eight entries due with title on cover of accordion booklet
3. Cause and Effect personal history diagram (mostly in class)

1. Sprial Notebook (70 - 80 pages, college ruled) brought to class
2. All supplies on school published supply list brought to class
3. World Map step one complete (mostly completed in class)
4. Read SG - chapters 7, 8, 9 and NQ

Follow the class blog to receive emails with class directions, assignment links, and handouts

I would like to welcome everyone back from a longer than usual summer. I am looking forward to this year. Like you, I have to get up a bit earlier than last week and have been working overtime to get ready for the new school year.

Homework due Tuesday:
1. Follow the correct blog for your class. In the upper right corner, type in an email address in the space "follow blog." Each time the blog is updated, you will receive an email.

a. LASS7 Core - blog - Rodgers LASS7 Core - address -
b. SS8 blog - Mr. Rodgers SS8 - address -

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Welcome back to Hall... XC entry ticket

I hope you all had a great summer. Maybe some of you are ready for school to start. I am ready and excited for the new year to begin, as I am sure many of you are as well. I am looking forward to meeting everyone, and working with you to make this year a great year.

First day activity:
When you walk into class, you will be asked a question about my profile on this page. You will have to write it down and give it to me. Let's see how many of you are the students who like to scout out the school early, and even look at the teacher website.

How to find the information:
In my profile at the lower right corner of this page, answer the following questions: My wife's name, our pets, and how many years I have been teaching. If you can answer these three things, you will earn your first point of extra credit.

Why do this:
This is a reward for using resources, and trying to find out what the class is like. If you would like, you can look at old class blog posts and handouts (which are mostly rubrics I use in class).