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Monday, April 28, 2014

HW due Tuesday, April 29

LA7 - finish reading and notating Chapter 6 in Outsiders

SS7 -
1. find an internet reading selection between 2 - 5 paragraphs about a key person, event, trend from your culture's medieval time period.
2. Cut and paste the text into a gdoc.
3. Copy the link to the selection.
4. Save the doc in the group shared folder.
5. Name the doc - First name, Last initial, Art, (and name of topic)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

HW due 042414 - Outsiders and SS7 Group activity

SS7 -
Activity -
1. Tonight, find four youtube videos that demonstrate unique arts, food, cultural, or social aspects about your assigned group culture.
2. Two of the clips can cover modern era aspects of that culture. Two of the clips must cover two "traditional" cultural aspects that may be rooted in the medieval era, or at least is considered to be from a time period before the modern (1870s to present).

Output -
1. Create a shared gdoc in the group folder, that lists each youtube link to each video.
2. Save the gdoc as: First name, last initial, youtubes - example: EliottRyoutubes
2. You must explain what is happening in each video, including important terms that relate to the video. Write at least two summary points for each video.

Read and notate Outsiders chapters 3 - 4.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

HW due W 042314

SS7 -

Assignment A -
Activity -
1. Find three medieval maps on three different websites.
2. Find three different timelines, either modern or medieval on three different websites.

Output -
3. Save the links for each website, and the link for each map or timeline in a gdoc in the group shared folder.
4. Save the document with your first name and last initial and the title maps TLs - example EliottRmapsTL

Information B -
Some modern issues and events for each group here

LA7 -
1. Read Chapter Two of the Outsiders.
2. Take three summary notes and two great quotes.

Monday, April 21, 2014

HW due 042214 - 3 topics and read Outsiders Chapter 1

Due - 042214

SS7 -
1. Find three different topics on the internet about your Project cultures.
2. List three summary notes about each topic.
3. use a different website for each topic.
4. List the topics.
5. type in gdoc. Share and print for use in class tomorrow.

LA7 -
1. Read Chapter 1 in the Outsiders.
2. Summarize three points about the chapter.
3. Record two key passages and their page number.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Compare and Contrast Ghana and Songhai Empires (Repost)

For the Venn Diagram, list at least six details that are unique for each Empire, six for Ghana, and six for Songhai. In the middle, list at least six similarities that existed over time for both Empires.

Use Chapter 12 - 15, and class notes to fill out the Venn Diagram - here.

Originally assigned March 24. Collected April 4.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Quick Look for Culminating Project ideas

First of all, if you took the Culminating Project Preference (if not, click here)

Then find your results from your preferences HERE.

Select one of your choices, and look up interesting ideas about one civilization or country for both time periods:
Medieval (1000 - 1500, covering about a 300 year span of time)
Modern (1870 - current)

Look for key events, people, and developments that are of interest to you.

Keep your notes in a shared gdoc.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Current Event Write up - due 040814

Current Event form here

Find the initial for your last name in the list below. Pick one of the countries from your group list to find a current event article about an economic, political, or social issue from that country.

Core 1: Last Initial - Nations
A - C - Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon
D - L - Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso
M - R - Liberia, Sierra Leon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau
S - Z - Senegal, Mali, Mauratania, Western Sahara

Period 3: Last Initial - Nations
A - C - Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon
D - H - Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso
H - R - Liberia, Sierra Leon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau
S - Z - Senegal, Mali, Mauratania, Western Sahara

Form for SS7 Culminating Project

Report your Culminating Project preferences on this form here.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Africa Test


Africa Test on Friday, 040414; Turn in Africa notes; last Isearch presentations

A. After reviewing the test information twice this week in class, taking questions and covering specific notes, slides, and book pages, be prepared to take the Africa Quizlet.
1. You may use any notes, but not a copy of the textbook pages, nor copies of the Ch 13-14 slide show.

B. When done with the test - turn in the note packet from the Africa Unit.

C. We will hopefully finish Isearch presentation on Friday.