Rodgers Homepage

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

This week's schedule AND Group Presentation Directions

Group Presentation Directions here!

Due - Details (HW from class activity)
0430 - Short Report typed draft
0430 - Portfolio pieces selected in class
0501 - Short report final draft - typed in class
0501 - Haiku/Tanka Activity - in class
0503 - Near completion of slide show (15 slides min)
0503 - Haiku/Tanka Activity part 2 - in class
0503 - Half of Sign of C script handwritten
0507 - Final Slides Show complete (from HW)
0507 - Script draft complete - handwritten in class
0508 - Presentation Study Guide and notes
0508 - Script typed - copy needed double spaced (typed by different person in group than Pres Notes
0509 - 10 MC, 5 fill-in, 3 EQ with bulleted answers and answer key
0510.13 - Asian Brush Painting activities
0515 - SS Project Test - MC and Fill-in
0516 - SS Project EQ Test - Part 2
0516 - Open House
0517 - Theater Consultant Michelle Holdt returns to block out Sign of C play

Monday, April 29, 2013

This week in class - All project work this week

1. Culture Presentations - group preparation - requirements are here (group)
2. Script writing of Sign of Chrysanthemum (group)
3. Select work for end of year portfolio (individual)

Short Report due tomorrow in class...

We had enough time to finish them in class today with computers. We started them last Tuesday.

Short Report requirements:

1. 300 - 400 word minimum
2. Typed, double spaced, 12 point type - copy in class AND saved to google shared group folder
3. Focused, narrow topic from the Medieval time period of your group culture - an important event, person (based on their major accomplishment), contribution to modern civilization: art, literature, architecture, etc.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Finish notes for Sign of Chrysanthemum; Short Report due Tuesday typed.

You must bring your Sign of Chrysanthemum book and your completed notes through the end of the book to class Friday, tomorrow.

Also, the Short Report is due on Tuesday, but must also you must bring a typed copy, and it should also be saved in your group folder.

Here is a suggested formula for the Essay:

300 - 400 word range
About one narrow focused medieval period topic - event, accomplishment, person, art form, etc.

Paragraph breakdown:
First Paragraph - define the concept, event, person, where, when, what, how.

Second Paragraph - give finer examples, details, dates, people, events associated with the basic idea of the essay.

Third Paragraph - Explain the importance of this item, process, or idea to the culture in the modern era. Why does this idea have value in that culture's society?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mid-week update and typing missed Litgp assignments...

Here is what is due the rest of the week...

Due - Detail

1. 0425 - Complete timeline at beginning of class

2. 0426 - Short Report - rough draft (300 - 400 words on one topic from your culture)

3. 0426 - Read the rest of Sign of the Chrysanthemum (estimates about 2.5 hours of reading - divided between T, W, Th night HW AND in class each day) - notes must be complete. We need to get done because the District Theater consultant is meeting on Friday to help us turn the novel into a script for our end of the year play.

If you still have to type a LitGp entry or two - please typed the remaining ones in either a new document each - and name them in such a way that they stand out from the copies you already typed.

Sub Plans for Wednesday (I will be in District Office all day):
1. We have the computer cart -
a. Timeline research
b. Short report topic - research

2. Read Sign of the Chrysanthemum

3. Timeline work

4. Core One - watch excerpts of movie

See you Thursday,

- Mr. R

Friday, April 19, 2013

As raised in class, if you have your LitGp2-wk4 draft typed in Google docs...

And if it is found where it should be, in your Writing Portfolio shared folder, then I will give you the point. This applies to students who typed it in google, but did not show a typed copy in class.
FYI, as confirmed by several students, and previous details on this blog and the board, "typed" requires two conditions -
1. That it is saved in Google in the appropriate shared folder
2. A printed copy is brought to class when class starts.

Note - your typed copy for LitGp2 - week4 has been verified by 5:07 pm today. If it was in the right place, then your grade was changed.

Have a great weekend!
- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

LitGroup Week 4 first draft and literature response due Thursday.

Just a reminder, as mentioned in class.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Maps - some reminders - due Thursday

Don't forget some of the norms we have had for maps since the beginning of the year:
1. All lines and text in black ink
2. Colored smoothly with pencil
3. Title at top of map -
3a. Should not include the word 'map' in the title
3b. Should be descriptive and include a date, year, or time reference
4. Name in lower right corner
5. Labels and text must be legible
6. You may add a text block of 2 - 3 lines that explains the basic theme of the map. You may also explain how a particular boundary came to be as the result of treaty or war if that event relates to the map.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Work due this week and the beginning of next

Due - Details
0416 - Type all LitGp work for cycle 1 and cycle 2 (except for week 4 of cycle 2)
0418 - 2nd SS Map (each member must do a different
0426 - SS Timeline (different one for each group member)
0417 - Pop Quiz on Sign of Chrys Chapter 3 - study your notes, you will have five minutes to review the book before taking the quiz worth five points.

Outline maps for all groups

If you need an additional map copy, for your second map, here are the maps provided in class.


You must use your school email account to access these maps.

If you find another outline map that works better for a map of your choice, then please send me a copy.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tonight's Homework due Tuesday

Tonight, all students must finish typing all LitGp work from cycle one and cycle two, except for week 4 of cycle two which we will finish this week in class. The typed copy should be saved in the Google Docs Writing Portfolio folder.

This assignment is a followup to previous assignments to type the rough drafts.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Journal Prompt from April 5

The prompt - If I had all the time in the world to do one thing, I would... What would you want to do, as much as possible, if you had all the time in the world?

If you were not in class on the Friday before Spring Break, please complete this prompt and email me a shared copy from your shared Google folder - 200 words minimum.

Also, when you return, be prepared to turn in your spelling contract, script, and first map. Study for the spelling test, that you will take on your return the same day.

Have a great Spring Break!

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Core Two Discussion about effort versus achievement in art...

I spoke with Ms. Firsty about how she grades art assignments. I really like to see that she uses a rubric that has a variety of criteria. I do believe that giving an effort to meet all of the criteria always factors into a grade, when the criteria are met to some degree. In fact I think her rubrics can become very useful in our class. Give them a preview. Although my Shape (composition), Color, Text standards make up a simple rubric, the standards for the assignments that incorporate art used to illustrate concepts are not much different than Ms. Firsty's standards.

Work Due Friday and Substitute Plan...

First, I would like to wish everyone a great Spring Break. I will be with family this coming week in Los Angeles.

Substitute Plans - Both Cores - Work to correct and/or turn into the substitute teacher:

Both Cores:
1. Typed Lit Group Work* (collect at the beginning of class and #4 for Core 2)
2. Spelling Contract unit 20 (pair to correct - then correct in class before test - then collect)
2. Spelling Test unit 20 (Correct spelling for each word only 1 - 15. Definitions in 14, 15 will be corrected by Mr. R)

4. Core 2 - Collect at beginning of class before the Spelling Test.
a. First map each student••
b. Script assignment••

5. Journal in class - write, share and turn in. Prompt in class.

6. DO NOT turn in any other work if not in the list above.

Movie - Take ten notes (5 points) at end of class.

•  - if you have it Friday you will still get the one point for typing it.
•• - Since core 2 did not turn this in on Thursday, the assignment will not be considered late if turned in on Friday by either Core.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Due Thursday and Friday of this week...

In class today, we checked off all of the work due Monday through Wednesday that was not already checked off. Here are the assignments for the rest of the week with some updated due dates.

Students will have 20 minutes to finish either Map 1 or Final Script assignment at the beginning of class. The final draft script assignment was assigned on Monday, and the map was assigned on Tuesday.

Thursday, April 4:
1. Map 1
2. Final Script on Parchment
3. Any late work - including all assignments due this week, and LitGroup Drafts

Friday, April 5:
1. SpT 20
2. SpC 20
3. Journal - in class assignment and collected

Monday, April 1, 2013

Work this week - before Spring Break

Due - Detail (much of this work will have plenty of work time in class to complete about 80 percent of the work below for an average student):

0402 (originally due on 0401)
1. Cultural Story - Find, print, and save the link and copy in Google group note documents

2. Find five different topic passages (1 - 2 paragraphs) about your culture. Find, copy the text passages into a google doc. After each passage, cut and paste the URL so the group can view the source web site for each passages.

1. Complete first draft of LitGroup2 - Week 3 Activities

2. Find two Youtube clips. One clip can be about your culture in the 20th century, the other clip should be about a tradition of your culture, or about your time period directly. Cut and paste the link for each clip into a shared google doc for youtube clips.

1. Typed second draft of LitGroup3 - Week 3 Activities

2. First SS Map - choose either your modern or historical map to complete for your culture. Started in class on Tuesday.

3. SpC20

1. SpT20

2. Final Script Quote