Rodgers Homepage

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Notes from "Why is there an Arctic Circle and other lines on the map?"

Notes here

Bring a Novel that you are reading in SSR to Core

I would like to record your outside reading book, that will be required for your first outside reading book assignment.

Binder Tabs - 5 or 8 format

Of course, students may design their own system that works, but 5 tabs are an absolute minimum. I suggest the following labels for 5 and 8 tabs:

5 tabs:
1. Homework
2. Guides (and generic assignment details and rubrics)
3. SS Notes
4. LA Notes
5. Jnl/Poetry

8 tabs:
1. Homework
2. Guides
3. SS Notes
4. SS Handouts
5. LA Notes
6. LA Handouts
7. Grades/Org(anization)
8. Jnl/Poetry

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

world map terms - quiz next Friday, Sept. 7

Students have studied US and Ancient History, and will learn about more cultures and civilizations this year as they study the Medieval time period. Along the way, there are several major geological formations - rivers, mountains and seas that students will encounter repeatedly. The locations supplied on this list will be used to label our final Watercolor Map Project. In order to familiarize students with these different regions around their world, we will study some of their basic features. 

Next Friday, September 7, students will take a shorter test on all of these terms, demonstrating their knowledge of these features, their spelling, and the regions that they are found. This will allow students to have a base working knowledge of these features when we start each new culture or civilization.

Make sure that you can access your new lcm email account tonight.

It is very important that you can access your new LCM gmail account. If you have a problem, please ask me for help on Thursday. You should write your gmail name and password down in a safe place in case you forget your account information.

We will set up your Google Docs folders this Friday in class.

Back to School Night is Thursday at 6:30

Starting in the Gym.

Students have filled out their class schedule, which they should give you so you can meet all of their teachers. Please follow their schedule of classes and be on time. Each period is 12 minutes long. Since I am discussing the content and processes for two subjects, we will be together for 24 minutes, plus the passing period in between.

I hope to see you all Thursday Night,

- Eliott Rodgers

If you are ordering school pictures - you must do so by Friday

Here is the link to do so.

Please direct all questions about this process to the Main Office.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

SS Text Scavenger Hunt - through #13 - Due Wed

Complete the front side of the SS Text Scavenger Hunt at home for homework tonight, Tuesday.

SS7 Scavenger Hunt Handout here.

Group Grades - class presentation

Group work
Everyone must do their fair share. (No one can hold a group grade hostage by refusing to work).

The work is divided by the group and teacher evenly based on (balanced assignments):
Personal abilities
Ease and enjoyment of particular assignments
Needs of the group.

Work schedule:
Group must produce a certain amount of work per day

Individual grades on specific assignments
Larger group grade for the collective project

A person who does no individual work does not get the group grade (after considerable tracking, "counseling," and reworking the group work to help this person do their best).

Helping individual grade/Great leader grade – XC applied to group grade. This applies to a student or students who the group and/or teacher felt really contributed to make the group work well and do their best.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Picture Day - Tuesday/ Back to School on Thursday

Dear Parents -

Picture day is tomorrow, Tuesday. Your son or daughter was given a photo package form for you to include the necessary payment to be delivered when photos are taken.

Back to School Night is this Thursday. Each parent should follow the schedule of his or her son or daughter. Bells will ring to signify each period of the school day, and each teacher will present an introduction to the class. I look forward to meeting you this Thursday. Please refer to the school wide announcement regarding Back to School Night.

Journal Prompt - Time Machine - due 0827

This journal was started in class on 0826

Follow the Journal guidelines for the prompt below:

If I could go back in time one time only, why would I go back to one of the following events:
a. a personal event
b. an event of person from my family's history
c. a historical event or time period

Describe the event and what you might do there.

If you finish one event, then write about another event. Fill the page.

Assignment Board this week so far...

Due - Details (to be graded in bold - checked off underlined):
0822 - Week 1 Guiding question - Why am I here
0822 - Poem and Brainstorm notes comparing feelings about summer and school - collected in class
0823 - Journal collected from in class prompt
0824 - Lockers assigned
0824 - SS text assigned - this should be left at home for homework.
0824 - Library Summer reading forms due
0827 - Supplies check in class
0827 - Beginning of year checklist completed in class
0828 - Picture Day - forms sent home for picture purchase on 0827 in HR
0828 - Journal: Time Travel - started in class on 0827, completed as HW
0828 - Trace blank map twice with different colored pencils; draw map on blank paper once - started in class on 0827
0828 - Binder dividers to be labelled in class.
0830 - SSR Book - for LASS7 and Advisory (originally due 0827, going to Library on 0829)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Journal Guidelines link.

Please see Journal Guidelines discussed in class here.

Wrapping up the week in LASS7 - HW at end of entry.

Some reminders first:
1. The checklist is due Monday.
2. Bring all supplies, from the checklist are due Monday - for my class you must bring one binder and a minimum of 5 dividers, but 8 will be better.

The week in review:

Our guiding question this week was "Why am I here (in school)?"

On Wednesday, we explored some our feelings about the differences between summer and school. We had a discussion. I read some classic poems - The Boat by Lewis Carroll and The White Room by Charles Simic - about summer. Then we discussed the poems and different kinds of poems very briefly, before writing our own poems about Summer and/or School.

We discussed the writing process and the writing portfolio that will be utilized throughout the year.

On Thursday, we discussed how to write Journals for this class. We then wrote a journal  - Best Dreams - and then students volunteers to share some of their entries.

On Friday, we received our SS textbooks, which are to be taken home. Second textbooks may be available once more textbooks are found.

We also discussed the guiding question in relationship to the poem and to the question of why we study history. It was a very interesting discussion, with discussions about what will today's students tell kids in 25 years about the music they listen to, with a real transistor pocket radio comparison to the iPhone. A discussion about time travel, time machines, and if being able to call someone living in 1215 is possible to ask questions about the Magna Carta or having to only read about it in books is a similar way of learning about history than actually talking to a person that actually lived through the Great Depression.

The optional homework:
Ask a parent to tell you about a historical event that happened before they were born that they learned about from an older relative or family friend. Find out how they learned about this event and if your parent actually also studied or read about this event or time period as well.

Write a five point summary about the event or time period, and who told your parents and how else they also learned about the event details.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Emails, following blog and supplies

Some brief clarifications and updates:

1. Thank you for sending your email and contact information. I will respond with a mass response this weekend to confirm that I have your working email in my address book.

2. Students should follow the blog with their most common email that they regularly use. If you have an old email address, then use that until student emails are updated with the mail accounts in the near future. At that point in time then students should resubscribe to the blog.

3. I listed two one inch binders, one for LASS7, and one for Math, Science and PE. The 18 dividers are also intended for use in all binders for all classes.

See you Friday morning.

First week of school - Welcome!!!!

I had a great first day of school as I imagine that most students did. I know waking up is very difficult after a relaxing summer. It was great to meet everyone, and as the year progresses we will get to know each other as a class, in groups and as partners.

The first day we worked on an activity comparing our feelings about summer and school. We worked together in groups and shared some of the details associated with those feelings. We continued to share them as a whole class. I read a poem about school and summer and discussed each briefly. We then wrote a poem about either summer or school, or about both together. This was collected to see not only who can write a poem, but also what type of notes each students can take, and how each can generate ideas before writing a poem. Lesson plan here...

The second day, the syllabus was passed out and discussed. This was followed by a discussion about the journal writing process. We then wrote a journal and then shared a few with the class. These were collected at the end of class. Journal guidelines here...

Here are some handouts (click on the highlighted linked text) from the first two days with some instructions:

1. Please follow this blog - both students and parents with the best email address to receive the text of each blog post.

Beginning of the year checklist - due Monday, August 27

Syllabus - please read and initial on the checklist

7th grade world map sequence.

Monday, August 20, 2012

School is coming...

Looking forward to seeing you all bright and early on Wednesday!!!!

- Mr. Rodgers