Rodgers Homepage

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tonight's HW - due Friday

1. Figure out a 3 - 4 sentence summary for your Current Event. Include:
a. where
b. important event
c. Reason of importance
- This will help you participated and complete the Current Events Scavenger hunt efficiently.

2. Practice reading out loud one of your Karen poems, the older poem from November, or a solid paragraph from a journal of your choice. We will share these in class. This will not be filmed and will be graded on a 5 point scale - 5: Excellent, 4 - Good, 3 - Average, 2 - just read off the page...

You will turn in the Current Event writeup with attached article and the typed Karen Poem on Friday.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Study Guide for Chapter 6 Quiz on Friday, 120911

Study Guide

Station Work - Due Dec 15, Thursday

Handouts -
1. Station Sheet

2. Current Event - use assigned station group number for the topic at the top of the form

3. Journal 3x4 Grid - pick four well written journals that you liked from class so far this year, and come up with a story idea, a poem idea and a personal essay topic for each journal.

Grammar 32, 33, 34, 35 - in class - developing topic sentences and thesis statements (20 - 30 minutes of work) - excellent exercises to develop I-search prospectus

Monday, December 5, 2011

LASS7 Rodgers overview of the next two weeks to be posted on Tuesday

Get ready...

Stargirl Test Tuesday - Study Guide...

Tonight, study for the Stargirl Test on tomorrow, Tuesday. Use all of your notes, Stargirl comics and both quizzes that we have previously taken to study.

Also, use this Study Guide, presented in class today.

Lastly, bring all of your Stargirl assignments, activities and notes to class tomorrow to be collected.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Stargirl Comics Update - due Monday in class

Over the past week, during stations and work time, students have been given over two hours and 20 minutes to work solely on the Stargirl final comic. At the beginning of class today, about 1/4 of all students completed the final product. Many students were close to finishing at the end of class today, with about 30 minutes to an hour of work still left to do over the weekend.

I hope to see some great Comics this Monday. Have a great weekend.

Byzantine Empire - part 2 notes 120211

Here are the notes: Notes

from todays lecture about Justinian.